I’ve always found it disheartening to see bad, custom enterprise software. In virtually every case of enterprise software failure, a company had an opportunity to build an effective system that would help employees be as productive as possible, yet ended up with a monstrous application of rapidly decaying quality that everyone – from the day-to-day users to the maintenance programmers – has come to despise. Worse still, there’s little the business can do: they’ve already invested in building the application and simply can’t justify rebuilding another one.
Fortunately, victims of such applications do have one reprieve: complaining. And as editor of this site, I read a lot of that. Not that I mind, of course: please, send in your own stories of woe! In fact, many submitters – including N.A.Z, who forwarded an email from a developer of his company’s enterprise system – find it cathartic simply to share their WTF's here or on the Side Bar.
Well, N.A.Z., and the hundreds of other “GMV” users, hopefully you’ll find some solace in knowing that we all feel your pain, too…
Subject : IMPORTANT: ALL GMV USERS, PLEASE READ From : Tom B------ To : All Employees Good Afternoon Everyone, Last night, the GMV nightly batch job failed due to two users ("bsimmons" and "gcarrey") logging in to GMV after midnight (12.00am) Melbourne time. As previously communicated, under no circumstance should anyone login (or attempt to log in) to GMV between the hours of 12.00am and 6.00am Melbourne time on any night. Logging in during the nightly batch processing results in "abnormal termination" of the program, ultimately meaning no sales order updates, no data integrities, no Master Stock set import, and no backup! Your attention to this request is appreciated. Regards Tom B------ GMV Systems Analyst Application Development Information Technology x5042