For many more, check out the previous post from the series, Pop-up Potpourri: Tax Time Edition
In case you were wondering why time moved backwards for a few minutes several weeks ago, it was because Jason decided to click the Apply button in eMagic's Logic Platinum ...
Oracle isn't exactly known for providing the most in-depth troubleshooting information, so it was surprising to see this ever-so-helpful message that John R received when trying to open Matrix Diagrammer ...
Frito had a pretty difficult time getting past this restriction ...
After reading this fairly helpful error message, Brian Bull changed his mind and decided to Switch instead of Relocate. What would you have clicked in this case?
Simley Central sure chose an odd place to advertise their website. This is just yet another reason that J Lennox should switch back to IE ...
Nathan Dunn was disappointed to find that the MySpace videos really weren't worth the plane trip across the Atlantic ...
You'd think that it'd be easy to free up 0 megabytes, but John had a real hard time with it ...
Bárður H. Joensen was happy to see this non-error from Macromedia Dreamweaver for a change ...
Rembrand van Lakwijk discovered that message 3777 wasn't too helpful, after all ...
Flickr greeted David with this message ...
Dave was surprised how precise CD-burning programs are getting really specific these days ...
Steven Reitsma thought he'd give the trial version of Diskeeper 10 a shot. Though it had a slick interface, Steven decided to pass ...
So what happens when you ask not to show no message? For John Gardner, you still end up with a no message popup ...
I suppose we'll wrap up with this extra-long Crystal Reports error that Jon received several times ...