For many more, check out the previous post from the series ... Pop-up Potpourri: Se7en Deadly Messages
Just before reaching the End of the Internet, Bart B found the file "everything.sit", which apparently contained all knowledge in the universe. Fortunately, StuffIt let's you play solitare while it takes the next 2.3 million 230 thousand years to expand the file ...
Greg was a bit surprised to see make this list of blocked sites at his work. Now we all know how fanatic those crazy-Slashdot-Linux people can get with their hatred of the world's greatest software company ... but am I the only one surprised to see that one of them actually landed a job?
Terry Rossow was checking out a beta of Windows Live Messenger and noticed that it hadn't yet learned to trust itself yet ...
So Michael Wood understands that he has to restart ... but just doesn't get how he's supposed to do it ...
I'm not sure what is trying tell Michael Reilly here ...
Ian Johns obviously clicked somewhere in IAR's Embedded WorkBench where he shouldn't have ... now if only he knew what he did wrong ...
Flobi was surprised that not only the Unused Button slipped into production, but that it's been there for well over a year ...
Ryan received this message while installing Wndows XP. I'm guessing the "I said so" portion must have gotten cut off ..
OK, OK, 3dMAX, you've made your point. I think that Anton Fletcher would have really understood what you were saying after the sixth or seventh Avoid.
I never quite realized how anitiquated the Peachtree database was until Dave sent this in. If Version 0.0 is too new, I'm guessing it's on -1.0?
That'll show David Koontz for going and buying a fancy-schmancy new computermagig ...
I think Chris Johnson is still trying to figure out where exactly the Install button is ...