You've probably encountered more than your fair share of inadequately descriptive variable and function names. Debugging a function with variables named a, a1, a2, a0, aO, al, a1l, al1, aIl, a1I, and al1I is something I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy.
On the opposite end, we have this code from an anonymous submitter:
class DrugStrengthFormCountryManufacturerPharmacyCopayProductPriceFactory { public DrugStrengthFormCountryManufacturerPharmacyCopayProductPrice getSalesOrderProductSupplierCopayDrugStrengthFormCountryManufacturer- PharmacyCopayProductPrice (SecurityContext securityContext, SalesOrderProductSupplier salesOrderProductSupplier, Organization copay) { /* some code here */ } }
Those naming conventions are consistent throughout the code, too. Imagine hundreds of lines of code declaring instances of RidiculouslyLongClassNameThatsPracticallyImpossibleToRead, calling functions like GetRidiculouslyLongClassNameThatsPracticallyImpossibleToReadById.