"At first, I thought it was a bit peculiar that I was expected to drive my car into the pump," writes Aaron, "and then I got concerned."
"Apparently my server isn't that keen to keep up with time," writes Mark, "it'll just try again in 6.6 years and if that fails as well then 13.2 years."
"I spotted this at the State of Franklin Savings bank in Johnson City, Tennessee," Andy S. writes, "the bank is named in honor of Ben Franklin, and an attempt by northeast Tennesseans to form a new state using his namesake. The attempt failed in the late 1700s, and this bank carries on the failing tradition."
"I'm not using Windows," Lauri Listak wrote, "and I don't see this message."
"I guess we added some new states," writes Jakob Buis, "but I'm just wondering, who would call themselves Third Choice?"
"Poor encoder," writes Philip D.B., "I knew I should have fed and cared for it some more."
"I got this message after entering (only) a promo code to sign-up with Netflix," writes David B, "I'm wonder how they knew my email address would be infinity billion characters."
"Is not wasting $0.00," writes Aaron Davies, "the same as spending $? If so, this is a terribly confusing sales letter."