I suppose one advantage to working with other people's code is that it's a good learning experience. Sometimes you walk away enlightened, "hey, cool! I didn't know you could do that!" Other times the lesson learned is something like, "I swear, if I'm ever this guy's boss, the only thing he'll be allowed to develop with is an Etch-a-Sketch." Jeffrey Johnson was fortunate to learn something a bit closer to the former after looking over his predecessor's code. He still can't believe how naïve he was for never checking for upper and lower case numbers ...
if (secApp.getApprovalTypeCode().equalsIgnoreCase("1")) { ... } else if (secApp.getApprovalTypeCode().equalsIgnoreCase("2")) { ... } ... else if (secApp.getApprovalTypeCode().equalsIgnoreCase("7")) { ... }