"There is a small coalition of developers at the office who are vehemently anti-database," writes Bob, "naturally, this faction also doesn't value 'experience' -- mostly, because they have none. At least, not outside their university studies. They'll often liken a database server to a file system, and suggest that it's just a convenient way to store blobs of data -- but everything else is inelegant bloat."

"Of course, since this coalition doesn't have any actual decision making power, their strong opinions remain just that, and we stick with a standard tech of technology. Of course, their attitude often leaks into the code, as in this example of a simple search query that was used to search for an employee by name. The trick is we have employees with accented characters in our directory but, if a user search for the name without the accented char (e instead of é), it needs to return the result anyway."

  FROM Persons
 WHERE /* HACK! Being SQL, there's no concept of 
          RegEx, so we have to this horrible hack  */
       Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(name, ' ',''),
       LIKE @name AND 
       /* HACK AGAIN! Oh yeah, no cod reuse.
          Why are we doing this in SQL!? */
       Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(surname, ' ',''),
       LIKE @surname 
 ORDER BY name, surname

Bob added, "like most of their code, I was able to replace it with a much simpler block."

  FROM Persons 
 WHERE name collate Latin1_General_CI_AI LIKE @name 
   AND surname collate Latin1_General_CI_AI LIKE @surname 
 ORDER BY name, surname
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