"I searched for a route to walk from Southampton to Edinburgh(UK)."Albert writes," but for some reason, Google Maps wants me to slip over the border into France, back to UK, back to France, then again to UK!"
"This package of Ramen noodles is honest," Hannah wrote, "fill in your own date... it won't ever go bad."
And this is precisely why John Rasch needs to upgrade to the Spam Hammer.
John Munro isn't exactly sure who's investigating the issue, but he's not very confident in its resolution.
"Microsoft Word is apparently not installed," writes Anders, "at least... according to Microsoft Word I installed on my computer."
Robert got this random spam in his Gmail.
"Duh," writes Stryder, "of course a Microsoft.Tools.WindowsInstallerXml.VisualStudio.WixProjectNode isn't a Microsoft.Tools.WindowsInstallerXml.VisualStudio.WixProjectNode."
I really wasn't kidding about the Snowpocalypse. Aaron snapped this from the Weather channel back a little while back.