They say the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Who they are and why they're so surly is beyond me, but I have to admit they're kind of right.
Take one of Sam's colleagues, for example. He had a well-intentioned tendency to provide helpful documentation via code comments, but... well...
Protected Sub txtSSN_TextChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles txtSSN.TextChanged Try ' Provides error trapping '_______________________________________________________________________ ' ' txtSSN_TextChanged ' Activated by entering SSN. ' Transfer form value to local class variable. '_______________________________________________________________________ ' ' anOrder.SSN ' Holds the SSN for processing in all forms ' txtSSN ' Form object that holds user entered SSN ' '_______________________________________________________________________ ' anOrder.SSN = txtSSN.Text Catch ex As Exception ' Error trapping. '_______________________________________________________________________ ' ' Output system error message to user on form under form title and ' send details to database '_______________________________________________________________________ ' subErrorReporting("txtSSN_TextChanged", ex.Message) End Try End Sub
There's only like one real line of code there. Plus, I'd hope that any developer maintaining this would know what "try," "catch," and "=" are.