Though they take a bit more time to develop upfront, using database stored procedures are definitely the way to go for most information systems. They provide a looser coupling to the "data layer" by limiting the points of entry and offer stronger cohesion by breaking operations into reusable functionality. That said, I'm guessing that Jon's predecessor was continually reminded with "you should put that in a stored procedure" but didn't quite understand that he could create more than one of them ...
Public Function GetStoredProcCommand() As ADODB.Command Dim sqlCmd As ADODB.Command, param As ADODB.Parameter Set sqlCmd = New ADODB.Command sqlCmd.CommandType = adStoredProc sqlCmd.CommandText = "PROC__INSERT_OR_UPDATE_DATA"
' ED: This paramter tells the Überprocedure what to do
' it is an integer that's the primary key to the
' "stored_proc_actions" table, which contains only
' the "action_id" and the "action_name" columns param = sqlCmd.CreateParameter("action_to_perform", adInteger, adParamInput, 8, Null) sqlCmd.Parameters.Append param param = sqlCmd.CreateParameter("int_01_in", adInteger, adParamInput, 8, Null) sqlCmd.Parameters.Append param param = sqlCmd.CreateParameter("int_02_in", adInteger, adParamInput, 8, Null) sqlCmd.Parameters.Append param ' ED: Snipped 112 params param = sqlCmd.CreateParameter("vc50_19_in", adVarChar, adParamInput, 50, Null) sqlCmd.Parameters.Append param param = sqlCmd.CreateParameter("vc250_20_in", adVarChar, adParamInput, 250, Null) sqlCmd.Parameters.Append param ' ED: Snipped 43 params param = sqlCmd.CreateParameter("int_03_out", adInteger, adParamInputOutput, 8, Null) sqlCmd.Parameters.Append param 'return the command Set GetStoredProcCommand = sqlCmd End Function