"All I want to do was take out some cash at the Huntsville, Alabama airport," Monty wrote, "unfortunately, I wasn't quite prepared and my brain threw a Divide_By_Zero error."
"That's quite a lot of growth," Joe Butler writes, "in two weeks, no less!"
"Media Monkey threw this at me a few minutes ago," Bruce wrote, "and now I'm paralyzed with uncertanty."
"It's always good to see when a programmer catches exceptions," Maren writes, "it's even better when that programmer displays his/her own whit when recovering from not-being-able-to-retrieve-the-mission-description exception!"
"I always like to read more details about random errors my computer gives me," David Litster wrote, "Flex Builder 3 did not dissapoint with this wealth of information."
Adriano writes, "I have a feeling that it'll be a while before I can get through all my email."