Bob T. got sucked into one of those "maybe the new guy can figure it out!" problems, only to open the first page - and then subsequent pages - to see that all of the validation code looked like this...
if(txtloginname.Text=="" || txtloginname.Text==" " || txtloginname.Text==" ") { lblloginMessage.Visible=true; lblloginMessage.Text = "Please Enter the User Id"; return; } if(txtcompanyname.Text=="" || txtcompanyname.Text==" " || txtcompanyname.Text==" ") { lblloginMessage.Visible=true; lblloginMessage.Text = "Please Enter the Company"; return; } if(txtchangereason.Text=="" || txtchangereason.Text==" " || txtchangereason.Text==" ") { lblloginMessage.Visible=true; lblloginMessage.Text = "Please Enter the Change Reason"; return; }
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