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Love this Tip of the Day:
"You are the user". Had me laughing out loud.
adding colors doesn't seem to work? red+green=yellow
The depth and variety of just "What is a WTF?" continues to amaze... Yeah, I liked the "You are the user" tip too, but when the systray icon popped up a bubble to tell me "the operands have been multiplied!" I cracked up.
where can i find api for creating new plugins?
Now this is just hilarious :-D Absolutely the best entry so far :-D Pure WTF right from starting the application, and the author seems to have great sense of humour.
Plugins have loaded! Yes, no, cancel?
Did you note that the "Show tips on startup" checkbox cannot be unchecked :-D
Red + Green == Yellow where I come from.
And where I come from is adding the colors of light, as opposed to pigments of some kind.
Red = 255,0,0 RGB Green = 0,255,0 RGB
255,0,0 + 0,255,0) = 255,255,0 = Yellow
This wins the contest.
No one else thought to make an annoying little pop-up on my taskbar that says "Your calculation is complete!"
I'm still in stitches with this one. It's a moment of pure genius!
Well that is clearly the Additive RGB colour plugin you are using.
I recommend you create a Subtractive CMYK colour plugin to get the result you desire. Maybe a Pantone plugin? Don't forget that some people are tetrachromats, or the colour of magic.
Anybody tried negating a picture yet? Good times, Good times.
I'm one of Greg D's co-workers, and I have it on good authority that the awesome UI is deeply inspired by our company's standard Lotus Notes template.
At least he took the time to put drop shadows in for the buttons, there.
But error message boxes are wrong, it should be "yes", "no" and "file not found".
My god, this is brilliant! The more I use it, the more WTF it actually turns out to be ...
From the simple things like the task bar pop up, to the tips that you can't not show at start up (disabled check box), to the wonderful barmy-ness of the UI and the brain-warping calculating colours, pictures and numbers.
It's simply wonderful and is the best I've seen so far. Well done that man!
CAPTCHA: Do I really have to type onomatopoeia (twice!)
Now I can't get it to work again. I did something with pictures, hit the +- button and got reverse colour.
Can't seem to duplicate it.
Hmm. Two apples + three apples = three apples? The author must live in a world with a hefty apple tax.
That said, this is brilliant. Absurd, almost entirely unusable (I particularly like the way you need to double-click on the numbers to type them in, even once you've assembled yourself a keypad), and definitely WTF.
Sounds like it!
It's very accurate for real world scenarios-
picture of my kid + 2 apples / 4 does = that weird brown color
Yay! I killed it!
3 x Apple = Err = "UniversalCalculator.exe has encountered an error and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience."
To invert an image, do "<image> +/- =".
But does it implement significant figures?
How many blues long is the remainder after you divide a waffle by an unladen pidgin?
I know, I know, there's also the obligatory African or European follow up question.
Wow. This wins the OMGWTF competition, and in fact wins every competition there's ever been, of any kind, ever.
...although I'm a little sad inside that there's no "sounds" plugin for it. I want to say hello + 4.
African or European?
My question would've been, "which pidgin? Creole or something else?"
Was somebody traumatized by Lotus Notes?
Damn. It's going to be hard descision for the judges!
And while you can't compare apples and oranges, nobody said anything about ADDING them! Or multiplying them...by colors.
He's defined a new math concept! Create a new number and make it a letter and then add them. You get -0 ! The entire history of math will need to be revisited.
guess I was wrong. I hit the negate button instead. Still funny that you can have -0 anyway.
This doesn't work with WinXP SP2 German: "Die Anwendung konnte nicht gestartet werden, weil die Anwenungskonfiguration nicht korrekt ist. Zur Problembehebung sollten Sie die Anwendung neu installieren." Translation: "This application could not be started, because the application configuration is incorrect. To fix the problem you should reinstall the application"
This thing is hilarious, and genius. Sure winner imho.
It happened to me with the finalist 7 and 8... I'm using XP in Spanish....
I think that the lack of localization is also a "feature" of the WTF's!!!!
Red is 2 and Green is 5, so obviously the answer is Violet.
I don't want to be a killjoy, and I did like this entry, but to me it feels too contrived. There's definitely WTF'ery afoot, but it doesn't feel accidental, or whatever.
Anybody who's been lucky enough to use Lotus Notes as a "Memo" client (lotus doesn't do e-mail, that's not enterprisey enough) on a regular basis has been traumatized by it. It makes me cry myself to sleep at night.
Hrm. Any time I try to do things with disparate types I either get "Err" or "The number is not normalized! [Abort] [Retry] [Ignore]"
I can't do your fancy adding 5 and an apple, for instance....
Addendum (2007-06-07 13:34): EDIT: Even when I hit the 'N' button, which I assume means "normalize"....
Many of the other ones were overly clever, matching code that architects or PHD produce. THis one is much more like what you get in real life. A really stupid app that does what the user asked for so they cant complain , but they know they are not happy. WHen they argue about it the devs say things like "systray is useful for asynch notification" (jargon) "we didnt have good specs" (blame the user) "the one I did for ACME widgets worked this way and they stole our market share" (FUD) ....
ANd i Havent even looked at the code yet
this ought to be the heaven for synesthetes.
I'm getting the "the application configuration is incorrect" error in English WinXP.
Ctrl+A, Ctrl+C, Shift+Tab, Ctrl+V...yay the I want the world to see my caption Macro...waffles
They're compiled against a very recent version of the Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime that probably isn't available on all systems. (They certainly don't work under Linux using Wine as a result...)
This is just amazing. I completely just made grape drink with this calculator ({picture of sugar} + {picture of water} + {color dark purple}).
I mean, just wow. Fantastic.
I never bother with a picture for my water... I just drink straight from the tap.
Well I'm going to chime in here, and say so far it looks like an easy decision for the judges. Yeah this looks like another COOL program. But its NOT a WTF.
Yeah it does some crazy stuff, some funny stuff. But NOT a WTF.
Again Alex apparently didn't think there was any WTF code in their to share with us. But it sounds to be like it works (mostly, with some bugs)
Perhaps I'm mistaked, but I didn't think the programming contest was "find out the coolest way to can implement a calculator"
Hi mate. What color do ya see here?
</body> </html>Addendum (2007-06-07 19:33): Egads! Sorry folks, forgot to use code tags around the html above.
The real WTF is that this is the second (of two!) entries that I've tried that don't work in Windows 2000 without visiting the shrine of DLL-Files.com. The OCR one needed VC++ 8 runtime, and this one needs GDIPLUS.DLL (whatever that is).