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I wanted to be first!
Oh well, I'll settle for infinite coffees.
Your null null
"I was rushing to catch my train at St. Pancras the other day,"
But you had time to stop, take out your phone, load the camera application and take a picture...
when fun things become about greed whoring :[
xyxxyxyyxyxyx xyxyxyxyxyx yxyxyx xyxyxyxyxyxyxyxy is Dutch for "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet".
I would rather Alex miss a day than him reposting old pics of WTFs.
Nancy Pelosi said that for the Samsung KIES software, you have to accept the license agreement so that you can find out what is in it.
I can't be bothered to think of any new comments today either. I'm going to go back thru old WTFs, find my comments, and copy/paste. I'm sure there were some great flame wars that died from neglect rather than getting everyone to agree that JavaScript is TRWTF.
See how well they protect identities?
The Gold Rewards error'd was printed about two months ago; we've been reran'd.
Pay attention, advertisers! There is little reason to come back to this site when Alex frequently posts merely 2 articles per week. I've ignored and ad-blocked your photos accordingly.
Thank you Alex for brightening up my day :)
Problem: My daily-morning-time-waster-while-email-is-loading website isn't always there for me.
Solution: Move it from my bookmarks toolbar to my weekly bookmarks folder. TDWTF, meet Dilbert!
New daily time-waster: TechDirt.
New problem: New daily time waster is too real. Oh well.
Re the zero jackpot: Normally the payout is about $.50 on the dollar (28 million tickets = 1 win). This is even worse than usual. Nothing like making the poor payout obvious.
Re the blank license: Even if it were readable, you'd have no idea what you were agreeing to (and the usual Flyspeck 4 font is tough to read). The 0pt font is a nice touch, though.
Re the cloud computing: Of course this failed. The 42nd level should have been "cloud_computing". Could this be called "clod computing"?
Re the departure time: No, D Bee, you'd better hurry. That's 0.9999 minutes!
Re null benefits: Gee! A letter from null. And here I thought it was only a bit dump.
Re no interesting news: It's a clumsy language. Yxy means hello and xyx means goodbye. You should see what it takes to ask for a hospital.
Re free drink: So how many drinks can I get for 1 star?
I think after giving us get_words_from_a_number_which_is_passed_as_a_perimeter_into_this_function, Alex deserves a break. As Acacio pointed out there:
It's cloud-databases all the way up!
Based on all of the bitching I see with regards to the feeling that people are getting ripped off by the number of posts that are making it to the main page, I can only assume TDWTF has been overrun by redditors.
Surely some "classic WTF" would be far superior to package with a plea to click the advertising, if there's no new content to be had.
In this case, null news is good news!
That Equifax one is because they use the cheapest offshore development labor they can find, the sort of "develotards" who make retarded monkeys having seizures look like rocket scientists. And then they wonder why stuff like this happens. Good riddance to that sh*thole.
Let's just re-run an old article and slap some ads on it. Nobody will notice.
What sort of application prints the word null when it has a null value ?
You can get that easily with db null -> JSON -> javascript - a bit scary indeed.
Wow, half of those pictures were old ones. Wtf, indeed.
captcha: transverbero - What is this, I don't event.
Half as in "all"?
TRWTF is that he was rushing to catch a train at St Pancras, but he went to a different station and tried to get on a train that was going TO St Pancras.
Well, two of them I didn't know. Or forgot about them. But yeah, more like 2/3 old ones...
Captcha 'odio' -- these wtf's are all odio but not goodio.
Who are you calling "null unit," null unit?