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Anybody made a transcription yet?
Some people like being able to read and not just listening.
No, but we'll have the show notes soon ;)
If only these articles were posted in text format somewhwere... I know! Someone should create a "dailywtftext.com" website, where human-transcribed versions of the pod-casts xan be published!
(Ideally, not running Community Server :D)
Nice! When will there be videos? I'd really like to see some with Lyle.
Seriously, I'd like to hear CodeSOD being read by someone (and I wouldn't mind a Cylon-like voice at all then ;) ).
Listening to your code is a great code review process. I often make my Mac read my code bad to me, and if it bores the **** out of me, it's probably not optimised enough. Unfortunately, the built-in TTS of Mac doesn't read all subtelities of a program right, such as not prounouncing equals signs or brackets.
I'd like The Daily WTF: Smell Edition next, please.
There's your problem...
Nice try but IMO next to useless. I prefer reading as it is faster than listening.
Yeah I don't see how commented code or wooden tables really translate into the spoken word.
Although hearing Dmitri with a fake Russian accent was pretty funny.
TRWTF is listening to code samples read aloud.
Yes, there are blind and vision-impaired coders, so there is merit in verbal representations of code. I'm sure having someone narrate a text could be more desirable to some than having your screen reader software robotically read the text aloud.
Yeah, somebody made a transcription and has posted it four months ago. All for you convenience. Yeah, i made a transcription and posted it four months ago for your co
transcription http://thedailywtf.com/Articles/The-Russian-Plan.aspx
Yuck! First off, it's a blog, not some Jr. Highschool play with cheesy accents. Second, I can read way way way way way faster then listening to someone plod thru a story - plus I can skim to the good parts. Not good, not good at all!!!!!!
But can you read it while commuting to work?
I can. Thank God for 3G networks :)
(Incidentally, that's where I'm posting this.)
Did Jason let you ride in his tesla for that link?
Also, the Nokia n900 is far superior.
I find the idea kinda neat. I'm a weirdo though... Any chance of having an article read in sean connery's voice? I once heard a bunch of craigslist personals read that way and it was hilarious.
Can we get Paula Bean to be a guest narrator?
Some of the articles lend themselves very well to audio, particularly story-type articles. Some of the articles are code-focused and are probably tough to parse in audio form.
Yes, in fact, we don't narrate all the TDWTF posts, only the ones we belive are understandable in audio form. That excludes all Error'd, and most CodeSOD.
The reader doesn't seem to know how intonation, stress or speed applies to punctuation. He needs some classes. He's also trying too much and didn't practice at all, it doesn't sound natural.
BTW, what's pro-pie-a-teri? Pro pie eatery?
Ok, it's a nice idea. For those that have to commute and can listen, or those that find reading tedious, it might be a good idea. However, I can skim the article tons faster, and read and re-read the parts I want to read much easier. If I don't quite understand a sentence (or paragraph), then I can quickly jump back to the beginning of the sentence / paragraph and try it again.
It's just like those news sites that want you to watch their video of someone reading the news. Why not just post the words, and save us all some time (and you some money)? It's just way too slow, and I don't want to have to wait for you to finally jump down to where I think the important stuff is.
Unless you are talking about Naked News. Now there's news worth watching! Nudge, nudge, know-what-I-mean? Say no more!
Advice for transcribers: for optimal transcriptions, use a SoundBug (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SoundBug) on a Wooden Table to listen to the podcast.
This is the best WTF in days!!!
No, but I can't listen to it while I'm commuting to work either. Why would it make sense to download an audio file and transfer it to a portable player, when I could read the text in the same amount of time?
TRWTF is that it appears to be a solution in search of a problem.
Dear god. No.
Give me usable first, then open.
Where is the WTF?
I honestly thought that the narrator was Alex...
Seriously, Alex. Next time just print out the transcript, then take a photograph of it on a wooden table...
Why are you doing it manually? There's an RSS feed. Many programs are available to make this fairly automated... Pretty sure iTunes can do it, if you're into that sort of thing.
I loved radio dramas growing up, so this is a bit of a wet dream for me. Very neat.
...for teh daef and b;inf peiple>
I can't cope with the American accent...
My poor anglo ears.
Howsabout you search for a narrator with the most nasal, cheesy voice possible. I would also prefer it if they had no concept of timing or emotive pronuciation.
Oh... wait...
My company firewall blocks Hearblog for some reason. I'M LOOKING FOR A NEW JOB GUYS!
Those of us who are visually oriented (a clear majority of tech people) have absolutely no use for podcasts etc. Kill this idea please, it's an abomination.
that is retarded, you are sending articles to these guys before posting them?
I kinda assumed that there were not many articles coming in anymore not that you are spoilt for choice
I miss the Mandatory monday madness thing, or whatever that was called.
this is a cool idea but I probably wouldn't ever listen to it - I prefer reading
Seriously, that narrator was painfully bad. Good narration has a hint of accent, no more, not an over the top generic "USA" accent.
Now, if you could get an actual Cylon voice, then I might change my mind...
I hope we're not going to be seeing too many of these in the future without accompanying text...
Alex, you are more than aware that you have international readers. I couldn't understand half of what the guy was saying.
If this is a pay-for service, they need to hire someone with a neutral accent, and buy themselves a microphone pop shield
Can we have a multi-accent version?
I'd like to listen to the "Daylee Dubbwle Yoo Tee Eff" in either an amusing Fake German Accent, or the lovely sound of the Scouser. Geordie would also be excellent.
"Right mate, then, Dave, like, checked in his code and that, but his boss, right, who's a right c***, he's all like ..."
Personally I'm not interested in this, I would much rather read the articles than listen to them. But well done for trying something new.
So what exactly do the "hear-a-blog" people get out of it? Advertising dollars?
Damn Dmitry!