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"Click "I" icon to see the list of special characters"
-- Hmmh, maybe I'm dumb, but I can't imagine why anybody might want to see a list of special characters when the password can't contain them anyway.
I would say "first" as well, to play off of the Malcolm Elby joke, but I doubt anyone would get it.
The Real WTF is a school that refers to its athletes as "Bonnies".
This Malcolm Eleby was created with the Malcolm Eleby release of Malcolm Eleby. You are running the Malcolm Eleby release. If you save this Malcolm Eleby, it will be saved as the current version and may no longer work with the version of Malcolm Eleby it was orignally created with.
TRWTF is that Brandon Leonardo tempted fate by taking a product clearly marked at $999.99 to the till.
Don't open that Mocha! Instead, take it back for a full price refund.
Obviously the editor is a racist... "they all look alike to ME!" ;)
Some characters are more special than others.
Brandon, if you were willing to risk that the coffee was $1000 you should be able to afford a 42" LCD.
Malcolm Eleby seems like a pretty special charactor to me
I'm really not surprised by the XACT one; it's a really bad tool to have to work with and it's full of bugs and issues as well as being plain difficult to use.
You must create this with the latest version of XACT. Not just any version... it must be eXACTly version December Release or else nothing will work with anything else... ever!
TRWTF is in production right now. It's for the password you set for the poxy "Verified By Visa" implemented by my stupid Spanish-owned bank. Only alphanumeric characters allowed (and not that many either). I've emailed them a number of times about it, like they care that your money can get filched.
Which is why I don't use VBV. Ever. A site that can't accept payment from a more secure gateway (even Paypal is better) doesn't get my business.
Oh no, the only special character is "i". That's why it's on the icon.
To know which characters they can't use?
Malkovich malkovich. Malkovich? Malkovich, malkovich.
Sadly, retail systems must default to max value and not just leave it blank. Otherwise, some min-wage worker will place the label front of an 42" LCD, and another idiot customer will demand the tv at that price, claiming false advertising otherwise.
999.99 bottles of frappachino on the wall 999.99 bottles of frappachino take one down and pass it around 998.99 bottles of frappachino on the wall...
technically those frappachinos are worth $1000.
No, TRWTF is that you don't know that "Bonnie" is Caribbean Creole slang derived from the French "bon ballerz" which loosely translates as good basketball player.
So the fact that dem bonnies have themselves some mad skillz at passing the duchy pan di left and side is no TRWTF if jah get my meaning man.
Stephen "technically those frappachinos are worth $1000."
Let me know when "It's over 9000!!!"
(Happy now? Now we've got a 'Worth 1000' and a Dragon Ball Z comment in the same thread...)
What else should it default to $0.00? If it did that then people would demand it at that price. $999.99 at least clues you in that something is wrong and I doubt customers would demand it at that price.
Why would that make the customer an idiot? Hell I'd do it if I had the opportunity. If I'm in a store and the store incorrectly prices a product then it isn't MY fault they did so. Businesses in this world have absolutely no issues taking advantage of me as a customer any way they can, I see zero problem in turning that around against them once in a while.
I'd guess most companies would want to default to having something massively overpriced, rather than having product leave the store at a loss. TRWTF, is that someone stuck that tag on the rack without giving it a look to see whether they maybe were putting the wrong tag on an item.
The newspaper WTF is completely non-technical. Some layout weenie copy pasted the name to act as a place holder, and forgot to get with the photographer to figure out which name went with which picture. This stuff happens all the time.
Actually at this point the only people to get Dragon Ball Z quotes ARE adults...
The coffee bottle price thing reminded me of another WTF. More of a legal WTF than a technical one, but I was vacationing in Bonaire (an island in the southern Caribbean) and at a convenience store there they had bottles of lighter fluid in clear plastic water bottles, shelved right next to the clear plastic water bottles containing water! The only difference was the name on the label, which I could easily see someone missing. In the U.S., that would be a lawsuit-in-waiting...
I wish big stores defaulted to 5 digit numbers with two decimals. I could really use a 65" LCD for $999.99, or a 4000 laptop for 999.99. I highly doubt there is anything at a drug store I could possibly want for a grand.
Is that an XP theme in the XACT screenshot, or is that vista? Anybody know?
For $999.99, the coffee should come bundled with Irish Girl.
Maybe because somebody didn't know the difference between generic special characters (all the ones on a keyboard) and the specific "special" characters that were illegal?
(meaning not all special character are not legal characters for a password?
It's the Zune theme for XP. It's pretty nice; I've got it on my computer right now.
I wholeheartedly agree. (The school in question is St. Bonaventure University, located in Western New York.) The former moniker was the 'Brown Indians,' but the Seneca Nation objected to the portrayal of Native Americans, so the name was changed.
More trivia: The Newspaper shown in the image is the Olean Times Herald (not exactly a paragon of journalism, but not bad for a small town daily newspaper).
I lived in that area for more than 25 years... brings back memories...
iest comment because it contains incomp
Not surprised, it was not that great when I first started using it in 1993.
That was when I had a boss who insisted that I use XACT to hand-edit the connections within the part (since I couldn't get the tool to route them).
Aside from being the CPLD equivalent of machine language programming, I was concerned that hand-tweaking the file wouldn't allow me to incorporate the changes I'd made into the next build from source.
He didn't understand what the problem was.
Sadly, I had to work for him for another year before I was able to transfer into a different group.
I fail to see how the HP Passport password is a WTF. All you have to do is use characters that are special characters, and are not special characters.
The screencap is like a fractal of HP the company. Everything they do is like that.
That's a lot of frappin' money.
You might not realize this, but RIGHT NOW, REAL LIFE ADULTS are not giving a shit what you think. You can count me as one of them.
If the set of characters you aren't allowed to use is smaller than the set you are allowed, it's easier for the developer to show the disallowed characters. Of course, users will complain because they don't understand boolean logic, so the developer will have to change it to show all possible allowed characters. Users will further complain because they will still try to use a disallowed character after telling you they are sure it is an allowed character. However, at that point customer service is legally given the green light to execute the user with extreme prejudice. So, really, it all works out in the end.