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Frist Comment Exception
Someone messed up the anonymisation. NullReferenceException is .Net. Java has NullPointerException.
A truth, buried under the remains of Hitlers bunker is uncovered by a steadfast PHP programmer, looking a lot like Harrison Ford. He alone can turn the tide and avoid that the Nazis will finally establish their 1000 year Reich of design patterns. But he is thwarted by the helpers of evil. Will he succeed?
There are times when workplace violence is justified. This is one of them.
This goes to show you that communication is key on any project. Had Bob simply included Randy in the work he was doing, he could have easily avoided their conflicts in the SCM system.
Well done. People who know it better than others and who constantly try to convince the others to do like them really need to be fired at the first occasion. Anyway, the real WTF is Java.
The real wtf is deriding perfectly good and useful-at-different-times tools.
I suppose Randy had fears that the success of the project would mean Java being their team's standard technology instead of his precious PHP (not dissing PHP here; each tool has it's purpose), in which case he can do his job or look for another one. Anyone who sabotages a project like this should be strangled with his own intestines.
That said, why run around cobbling working copies from dev workstations?! Repositories not backed up? Or did Randy junk those as well?
Java or PHP? Talk about being stuck between a rock and a hard place!
I'ma call shenanigans on this one.
I think we're supposed to shock! horror! at the potential sql injection vulnerabilities in that code snippet but I doubt it would even compile (i don't do java) surely in java you can't assign a string to a ResultSet.
I had a coworker do that to me. But when I reported it, I got fired for "not being a team player".
Yeah, I don't much miss that project.
I have had roughly the same experience except that it was a Java fanatic who was trying to replace PHP. I can see coming on to an existing project and wanting to, say, upgrade the language to a newer version but even if the originally chosen language sucks switching mid project is just asking for trouble.
That code is not compiling, brother! Which java are you using?
I guess keeping such bastards around the project for any meaningful amount of time is the worst anti-pattern ever :)
I have to wonder what kind of person looks at a code snippet where a variable is obviously declared outside of said snippet, and then marvels when that snippet won't compile.
Of course, there is a line in the code that is completely wrong that prevents compilation anyway. That is, in fact, the joke.
And Bob's first reaction was to cobble the project back together from what was on developer's workstations instead of calling Jim up in systems and saying "Jim, could you restore Operation Blue Light's svn repository from backups, to what we had there on Thursday? Oh, and could you ask Tammy to restore the development database to the same time as well please? ... Come on, I know she's sitting right beside you."
Reminds of a guy I work with who insists that oracle is evil because he can't write a SQL statement to save his life.
On one hand, you have a mature language in Java that has a strong community of design patterns and abstractions (often too much).
On the other hand, you have PHP, a language that while useful makes it very easy to write unmaintainable spaghetti code and promotes cowboys running around without any knowledge beyond what they found on PHP.net.
Java wins out every time. Being a .NET guy myself I often envy the Java community's embracing of design patterns and craftsmanship over .NET's "RAD" and event-driven "put everything in the code-behind!" style.
in an if statement please use a double equal sign, triple is even better.
a sigle equal sign, is value assign
From now on I am going to refuse to work with anyone named Randy who has PHP and Apache in his work experience.
Sabotaging the project IS a form of violence..
No one is going to comment on the fact that they apparently keep the password in an unencrypted column in the database?
Well, no offense, but it looks like you are a "poor" .Net guy, because you can have all that shiny stuff in .Net and even better than java.
With modern ORMs (like EF 4.2/4.3), an amazing web framework (Asp.Net MVC with Razor, mind you, not that piece of crap of webforms), the synatx power of C# (lambda expressions, linq, dynamic, etc), the awesome package manager nuGet, etc, you really don't have anything to envy to the Java community, I'd say it's the other way around.
It just goes to show you that anyone can write SQL injection vulnerabilities, even Java programmers.
TRWTF is that criminal charges weren't filed against Randy.
No, you're supposed to notice the fact that passwords are stored plaintext, and also the fact that it iterates over the result set to see if the password matches, rather than just including it in the where clause.
Or maybe you're lulzing with the appropriate false sincerity that makes any form of religious extremism indistinguishable from trolling, a la Poe's Law.
One of my best friends is a PHP guy and I'm a .NET/Java guy. While I do the occasional free time web project with PHP I always wince at it's Fairy-Dust-Typing-System. And he in turn marvels at why anyone would bother with such an inflexible Stone-Tablet-System...
We joke about it but accept that our personal preferences don't mean it is impossible to write good code in the other system.
But that randy should have been whipped with blank PoE network cables...
Yeah, right, like the evidence as presented would stand up in court, even if the company lawyers and management decided that a lawsuit that shows they run their company so badly to allow this sort of thing to have a significant impact would benefit the company any more than simply firing him...
what is S-MART ? americanism ?
If that SCM was written in php, it would have backups of repositories.
Though if that was really the state of the code before Bob joined the project then I doubt I'd employ any of the original coders to sweep the streets let alone work in a supermarket...
TRWTF is you didn't follow this up with some Jim/Tammy fanfic. Know your audience, dude!
A bad workman blames his tools. No more need be said.
There is not being such thing as "null reference exception". Remy is being off the reservation.
Nothing in the code prevents the password column from the database and the password variable from both being hashes of the password, instead of plaintext passwords.
That would still be a naming WTF though.
Watch the movie Army of Darkness, it has references to S-MART
Bruce Campbell. "Army of Darkness". I thought that movie was required viewing before starting a career in IT.
And while I'm about it, "randy" means sexually stimulated.
A reference to a movie called Army of Darkness. Really good and funny, I recommend watching it.
movie reference http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Army_of_Darkness
S-Mart is a reference to the protagonist's workplace in the film Army of Darkness.
My frist comment here, we'll see how it goes. :-P
TRWTF is not using a distributed VCS.