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First (I hope).
ooooh that looks exciting! what happens if i select THIS and then click THAT... suspense
You need to
the to 4.Admin
until the word "maudlin" is completely obscured.
something when
low memory?
Wow, thanks for the insight. Muppet.
When a fire starts to burn, there's a lesson you must learn. Something something then you see, you'll avoid catastrophe!
Aww crap.
I think this is one of the best and most appropriate comments I've seen around here.
There was a similar bug with i-dont-remember-which-app-or-control-panel which was simply due to the buffer overrun protection of a famous anti-virus software (the one whose name begins with Virus and ends with Scan): simply disabling the buffer overrun protection in the antivirus settings dialog made my window reappear.
since then, i am left wondering how a buffer overrun protection can wipe off a whole window...
captcha: how many 'a' does it take to write crazy ?
iirc, you see that if you're running an application that's leaking user and gdi objects under win 9x. it gets to the point it can't create any more graphic handles to draw pictures on the screen. so not necessarily the fault of the program in the screenshot - unless that's the one that's leaking.
the real wtf in that case would be...
I've router "not enough core" dynamic fields
captcha: pirates
I'm an ass pirate hahahahahahah!!!!1111oneoneone
It's funny you guys would mention handle errors -- Dan (dansdata.com) just answered a question about handles and resources on his website.
When will people grow up and stop commenting "first" or "the REAL WTF is..."? Seriously!
Under Windows 95/98/ME, that's a common failure mode when the system runs low on GDI resources. Unless this is appearing on WinNT/2k/XP, the only WTF here is that the submitter hasn't used older versions of Windows much.
Who really gives a fuck
captcha: scooter as in scooter libby is gonna get sent to federal-pound-me-in-the-ass-prison
who cares?
captcha: scooter as in scooter libby is going to get sent to federal-pound-me-in-the-ass-prison
in this case you would just take a picture of a plain wooden table and so
They must've disconnected the flux capacitor.
I thought it was that one whose name begins with and ends with .
Nah, probably Labtec just realized they were adding too many features to their mouse! Come on, what do you need to do with a mouse: just move and click it! It's not that you must feed it, give water, clear its cage, decide what to do with offspring...
The real WTF would be if they managed to fill the five named tabs!
I pray this is the first and last time I say this phrase.
The real WTF is that Spy++ is mentioned.
Just imagine how this site would be if every 5th post were "PHOTOSHOPPPED" or "FAKE!!!".
It looks like localization code isn't working (that changes all the text on the labels depending on the culture needed).
If you're going to quote Python, at least get it right. It's Maudling, as in Reginald Maudling, a British politician who was a chronic alcoholic, involved in a great deal of corruption, and a rather obvious hypocrite in the interests of the Macmillan government. (The man was clearly before his time; in modern-day U.S. politics, he would be no more notable than the worst Democrats, and in the Republican Party he would be so comparatively innocent as to be practically invisible.)
When the real WTF is first, of course!
Incomplete phrases always
Captcha: (yeah, I
Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood answer!
It's 2K (or XP with Luna turned off). Notice the gradient in the title bar.
I actually have a program like that on my Dell Inspiron E1505. As best I can tell it's part of the crapware that Dell loads, but I cannot figure out what it is, what process it is, or where it's loading from. I've even pulled out Process Explorer on it to no avail. There's absolutely no text anywhere, except for the menubar and one string that says (IIRC) "September 2005" in the About dialog.
The graphics look like a circular water splash, and it puts an icon in the Taskbar. I figured out how to close it entirely through trial and error, but it pops back up about once a week or so.
And yes, I've scanned my system repeatedly with various spyware and anti-virus scanners; none pick anything worth mentioning up.
Sorry to disappoint you, Windows 98 and ME have had that too.
Use force only F
aha! The first ever implementation of a UI in the Whitespace language!
Luckily, my Linux box has plenty of Nod resources....
(hides my head in shame)
At least the company name and logo appeared correclty. Now that's Branding!
This isn't a WTF at all. The dialog box has odviously been optimized to reduce both the file size and memory usage of the application, by removing unneeded text. The developer who wrote this probably saved more than 500 entire bytes (or more!) in memory usage alone.
When will they grow up? Well, I'm not sure playing first post is immature, maybe you don't notice it but the "players" of this game do keep track of the name of first posters, it's a game, a quick game that can be played while doing what you would do anyway, visiting "the daily what the fuck!?"... If playing games is immature then any way of competitive entertainment is immature, but i doubt you will see the relation.
And "The Real WTF" may be a cliché here but it means something very precise, it means, "there's something worse happening here!"
Do your definition of maturity involve constantly finding new ways to introduce a comment?
Probably my problem with the concept of maturity is that it is a tautology.
Mature is as mature does.
But mature people play, toy around, cheat, lie, cry, stumble, neglect, and fear. What does being mature mean anyway?
I prefer to quote some random guy from the internets: Maturity is equivalent with being really damn tired.
Yeah, I bet dollars to donuts this is the VirusScan problem mentioned by another commenter. We had a .NET app we wrote that stopped displaying large parts of its UI immediately after a VirusScan update. The only fix was to shut off VirusScan's buffer overrun protection (which we could only do for minutes at a time before the Windows management stuff set up by our IT guy kicked in and turned it all back on).
never. so why complain?
captcha: wigwam. warm and cozy, hu?
Be certain not you click OK because or else Cancel always BEFORE certain death!
Nice boobs
sorry, i forgot i am greedy by default: i should have added some '?'.