• phantomcircuit (unregistered) in reply to Inno
    Comments anyone?
    if (number % 2 == 0){ // is number even?
      do something...

    .... or just be wicked:

    if (number % 2 == 0){ // same as: if (number & 1 == 0)
      do something...

    why bother with the comparison at all? why not just [code]if(!number&1){ do something... }

  • tracker1 (unregistered)

    Hmm, wouldn't something like this work..?

    public static string StringConcat(params string[] args) { return String.Join("", args); }

  • nikexyz.com (unregistered)

    do you like shopping online?

  • korean fashion (unregistered)

    I am really enjoying the article here and learning new insights and thoughts.

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