• (nodebb)
    if type(error) is fristError:
        return True
            raise secnodError
       except as e:
           if type(e) is fristError:
              return FileNotFound
              return False:

    I think that about covers everything.

  • LZ79LRU (unregistered)

    Support is overrated. Back in my day they gave you a clay tablet, a mallet and a pokey stick and told you to get stabbing. And you either figured it out on your own or you were back on hauling duty with the rest of the unpaid involuntary interns. That or they just gave you a good whipping and a new tablet. Those were enlightened times.

  • (nodebb)

    Sometimes the Exception is the rule.

  • Argle (unregistered) in reply to LZ79LRU

    I got a good laugh out of your comment. But on a more serious note, I can see the line of thinking here. "How can we have people who aren't self-starters? Throw them in the deep end. If they sink instead of swim, tough! We didn't need them anyways." There are many of us who did take to the water immediately. I know I was one. Yes, companies need people like that, but most people in the business can be functional, albeit not exceptional. Sometimes they get in over their heads and can't recover. Someone should guide or overall a company gets nothing done when it should be and how it should be.

    But worse, often the ones that swim independently become a manager's worst nightmare: the lone wolf. We just don't need more BobX in the world.

  • (nodebb) in reply to LZ79LRU

    Hail Inanna!

  • dragoncoder047 (unregistered)

    btw, the whole Flask web server was my idea, we have since leveled up to Pelican + any static server!

  • Grzes (unregistered)

    The linter is also a WTF if it is unable to see that the function will always return a value.

  • (nodebb)

    Ah Python .... it's fast becoming the VB6 of the modern age. Maybe young people will in the future write sad song about those failed line managers turned "data scientists" writing horror code that will find their way into every crack - right before they got replace by generative AI data processing software. Ah well, who knows, I think line managers have started to realized that gen AI is actually a tool to replace them not productive creatives and now the AI stock value is taking a nose dive :-)

  • Officer Johnny Holzkopf (unregistered) in reply to MaxiTB

    Luckily, all their crappy code will remain inside the AI's training data, and will procreate and expand, becoming the de-facto industry standard best practice software of tomorrow. So their heritage will still exist when the former line managers have vanished to become the new ethic AI responsibility evangelists...

  • Álvaro González (github) in reply to MaxiTB

    it's fast becoming the VB6 of the modern age.

    You're so right. Developers love bashing languages but the fact is that bad code often comes through low barriers to entry more than anything else and Python is definitely the contemporary choice for that.

  • Argle (unregistered) in reply to Álvaro González

    Developers love bashing languages but the fact is that bad code often comes through low barriers to entry more than anything else and Python is definitely the contemporary choice for that.

    This sentence joins my collection of quotable sentences.

  • Conradus (unregistered)

    "building error handling in a Python Flask web application."

    "You can't get ye Flask."

  • Tom S (unregistered)

    I would love it if someone could explain why doing instanceof checks is considered a code smell in Python.. As a non-Python developer that doesn't seem like a bad idea to me..?

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