• Dr Spooner built my spear (unregistered)

    TRWTF is of course companies in America whose profitability depends upon the misfortune of others.

    In this case, the misfortune of becoming ill.

  • Hanzito (unregistered)

    What a ride!

  • (nodebb)

    Hey! That's my IP address. How did you get hold of that?

  • Jaloopa (unregistered) in reply to jeremypnet

    Your IP address? It's the combination of my luggage

  • Not a robot (unregistered)

    I actually am a robot, but I bypassed the captcha. Mwahahaha!

  • (nodebb)

    And this is exactly why sales people shouldn't be communicating directly with individual techs/coders, but with an IT manager that can better communicate what is and isn't feasible or possible for their department to perform.

  • Stefan (unregistered)

    Finally a use case for client TLS certificates!

  • my name is missing (unregistered)

    My favorite quote from a salesperson at a consulting firm where I was a programmer was, "My job is to lie to customers, and your job is to make me look good."

  • (nodebb)

    I guess, all these comments held for moderation are going to stay that way forever because the staff of TDWTF are on holiday and tomorrow there will be a new article.

  • robot (unregistered)

    But I am a robot

  • I'm not a robot, I found the cars (unregistered)

    How the f is a VPN inherently insecure, but "IP authentication" isn't

  • (nodebb) in reply to I'm not a robot, I found the cars

    How the f is a VPN inherently insecure, but "IP authentication" isn't

    Because humans are basically ignorant.

  • jo (unregistered)

    Clearly, this wasn't impossible after all.

    What's their problem with VPNs?

    What's the forgery issue with X-Forwarded-For? It should be easy to assert that clients don't send this header to the proxy, and the application server only accepts this header from the proxy, so its value could be trusted.

  • (nodebb) in reply to gordonfish

    Apparently you missed the part where the management didn't want to turn down the sale. They simply threw the coder under the bus.

  • Foo AKA Fooo (unregistered)

    Stupid? Probably. Expensive? Definitely. Impossible? Actually not, as it turned out ...

    Just saying. If sales people discover this story, they can now use it as "evidence" that when we say something's impossible, it actually isn't and we only need to try harder. Gerald wasn't very helpful to us here.

  • (nodebb)

    As long as the client paid for it I don't see a WTF here. The company gets a new feature that they can sell, the client gets the feature they wanted, the company got paid so they're not out of pocket. Could be an actual win-win.

  • (nodebb) in reply to bdoserror

    As long as the client paid for it I don't see a WTF here

    You are TRWTF if you don't think that it's a WTF that the salesman and the customer contact decided what the technical solution should be.

  • (nodebb) in reply to gordonfish

    Until you get an IT Manager who will agree to anything sales says, regardless, because they don't want to be the guy who says "no".

  • Officer Johnny Holzkopf (unregistered) in reply to gordonfish

    "I have people skills! I am good at dealing with people!"

  • Recovering Consultant (unregistered) in reply to gordonfish

    The problem here is the sales guy didn't communicate with anyone technical until after making promises to the client

  • (nodebb) in reply to Steve_The_Cynic

    Sure, that shouldn't be how it worked, but that was largely driven by the client's lack of guidance too. And the salesman selling a thing they don't have. I kinda skipped past those, they're so common.

  • LZ79LRU (unregistered) in reply to my name is missing

    And he was right. Really there is no WTF in this whole situation. To me is frankly both normal and perfectly fine.

    Sales did their thing and got a customer. Management did their thing by showing confidence in its workers to do their job, be that bring in customers or create miracles. And development did their thing by getting angry, frustrated, annoyed and than having a brilliant idea that resulted in a miracle being done.

    Sale was made, everyone was paid, everyone won.

  • (nodebb) in reply to LZ79LRU

    This being "normal" is the WTF.

  • TheCPUWizard (unregistered)

    Did Gerald get terminated for falsely claiming it was impossible?

  • LZ79LRU (unregistered) in reply to Medinoc

    I am curious what alternative you would suggest that works better than:

    1. Client facing representatives establish requirements.
    2. Management assigns staff, time and budget to the project.
    3. Developers make product.
    4. Profit.

    So what if the requirements are strange and the solution unorthodox? That's the fun part that makes this job worth doing.

  • (nodebb) in reply to LZ79LRU

    Sale was made, everyone was paid, everyone won.

    Except for whoever was the entity actually paying big bucks to spare some manager to remember one more password.

  • commenter (unregistered)

    LZ79 obvious troll is obvious

  • (nodebb) in reply to R3D3

    to spare some manager to remember one more password

    Probably just a secretary. The actual managers have no time for that sort of thing.

  • (nodebb)

    The cost-benefit analysis at the hospital sure fell through some sort of cracks. Tens of thousands of dollars over several months so one person could avoid remembering a password. May I recommend some quality password managers? At least she wasn't writing them down in a book somewhere.

  • charlotte (unregistered) in reply to LZ79LRU

    The sales rep got a bonus, the poor sod who did all the work just got his normal salary.

  • (nodebb) in reply to Nutster

    She was totally writing her few passwords down in a book, I'd wager.

  • LZ79LRU (unregistered) in reply to R3D3

    The customer got what they wanted. The company god paid. The developer has a job. That's the way the world works.

    It's not our job to tell them the customer that what they want is stupid. Especially not when it is. Do that and all they'll do is shop around until they find someone actually smart to give them what they want.

  • AssOfUAndMe (unregistered) in reply to Nutster

    I just assumed it's somebody with a great pull in the hospital. Maybe the director or somebody on a similiar level. Those people can easily spend thousands of dollars to remove a minor issue for themselves.

  • Guest Poster (unregistered) in reply to I'm not a robot, I found the cars

    Having someone else's network VPN into yours IS a security issue.

  • David Mårtensson (unregistered) in reply to gordonfish

    A manager with license to kill and a big shotgun to end any discussions.

  • Casglwr (unregistered) in reply to Nutster

    What occurs to me is that one person for which tens of thousands of dollars were spent, in order to not inconvenience them, was just signaled that they are WORTH that much money. If they were not in that position by heredity or marriage, that would be a hint that they ought to be a lot more aggressive when their next salary negotiation comes around.

  • zboot (unregistered) in reply to gordonfish

    But what the customer wanted was possible. . . and they would have lost out on this sale if they'd listened to those pesky engineers about what was possible at the start.

  • zboot (unregistered) in reply to Steve_The_Cynic

    Except is that's not actually what happened. The engineer worked with the customer to better define requirements and come up with an acceptable solution.

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