• frist (unregistered)

    comments = [] headComments = "Record ID, FRIST,UNIQUE_GENERATED_ID".split( "," ) for currentComment in headComments: comments.append(currentComment)

  • (nodebb)

    This is one more example of the results we get with "learn how to do things" approach of un-educated developers searching the web to get stuff done, as opposed to "understand what's going on" as part of AT LEAST a crash course on computing in general.

  • (nodebb)

    There are two kinds of programmers: thoze who uze as little string manipulation as possible, and thoze who go out of their way to find excuses to manipulate strings. I've never understood the latter, but they exist.

  • Foo (unregistered)

    If this is the worst you have to show as example, the code base must be pretty neat. Well ya, the split and print is somewhat pointless but something akin to this can be found everywhere, atleast you can change your Delimiter without messing around with the table header. Someone startet with a different idea und that's what it ended up beeing. Not a WTF in my book, someone didn't care and i myself wouldn't be even bothered.

    CSV files itself are very simple, that's the point to them. The only way to break them is mess up newlines or delimiters in your input. Encoding etc. applies the same way to all simple formats. The main problem with CSV generation is, that clients often use Excel -- and that's a real sitty wore if it goes for reading in plain-format data (interpreting decimals as dates and stuff). Sadly that mess never will go away without a new file extension (supporting old hacked csv to behave in excel). Go on, try it yourself. Write a bunch of telephone numbers in a raw csv file and see what happens.

    About multiple identifiers, that's what happens if a CSV survives multiple systems. I believe one of the systems i'm taking care of, prints "TODO" in a CSV Column, because even the client couldn't say what was supposed in there (but the format is predefined in another system).

  • Chris (unregistered) in reply to Foo

    I take this code as being the cover by which you can definitely judge the book.

  • Barry Margolin (github)

    He didn't mention the WTF of not trimming (strip() in Python) the surrounding spaces around some of the column names.

  • (nodebb) in reply to Robert_Morson

    There are two kinds of programmers: thoze who uze as little string manipulation as possible, and thoze who go out of their way to find excuses to manipulate strings. I've never understood the latter, but they exist.

    This is partially because, as Mr. TA points out, "developers" find stuff on the web and copypasta without understanding the code or what they're supposed to accomplish. But I think it's mostly due to the fact that most "Intro to Programming with <language>" classes spend the entire semester manipulating strings, and then the "Advanced Programming with <language>" classes "teach" how to create lists and arrays (of strings) and never talk about how to actually use these correctly.

    Could be worse -- and I'm sure there is much worse elsewhere in the code.

  • Conradus (unregistered)

    Wanna bet that the eccentric spacing was to get the column heading to line up nice and neat on the output?

  • verisimilidude (unregistered)

    And it wasn't even mentioned that python includes the "json" module in its standard library which would have taken care of all the complications. (You who think CSV is simple have yet to deal with a CSV file using vertical pipes for field separators and which includes XML for some of the field values.)

    And a pet peeve, Python programmers who loop over an iterable just to create another iterable. "columns = HeadColumns" is enough. Of course since columns is never read the whole thing should be elided.

  • Argle (unregistered)

    Improper database schema, huh? A few years ago, I started in on berating a fellow programmer over the schema in a new project for a client. I recently had to deal with the mess because of a request from the client. I had to forgive the programmer. "Their IT guy insisted it be this way." sigh THAT jerk. He threw his weight around on the project just because he could. Then retired. Some days I lack enough profanity in my vocabulary to comment on this.

  • (nodebb) in reply to Barry Margolin

    I thought that's what the comment about arbitrary spaces was getting at.

  • (nodebb) in reply to Foo

    The main problem with CSV generation is, that clients often use Excel -- and that's a real sitty wore if it goes for reading in plain-format data (interpreting decimals as dates and stuff). Sadly that mess never will go away without a new file extension (supporting old hacked csv to behave in excel). Go on, try it yourself. Write a bunch of telephone numbers in a raw csv file and see what happens.

    It's worse than that. Here's a very small sample .CSV file:


    Is that two columns or one?

    The answer is, "Yes, it is two columns or one, if you import it into Excel."

    In a US or UK English (YMMV for other varieties of English) version of Excel, it's two colums containing (1,2) in the first and (27, 54) in the second. In French (and probably some other European) localised versions, it's one colum containing (1.27, 2.54) because the fine people who wrote Excel's CSV handling were farble-faced farble-nuts, so it uses the localised number representations for both export and import. In France, they have a decimal comma, not a decimal point, so the column separator in CSV files is a semicolon.

    Addendum 2022-06-22 11:37: EDIT: the column separator in CSV files produced or consumed by Excel, that is.

  • Yikes (unregistered)

    It's so great when you can paint a picture of the entire script, the programmer, the boss and the entire organization with just 6 lines of Python.

  • TS (unregistered) in reply to Steve_The_Cynic

    I don't think you can blame the Excel hacks for choosing wrongly, because every option is wrong.

    What we need to do -- and by "we" I mean everyone in a collective effort -- is to deprecate the CSV format and replace it with TabSV. (I'm now waiting for everyone to tell me all the things wrong with that proposal.)

  • Jeremy (unregistered)

    'Restrictions' sounds like it would be a list. That must be fun if that has the same delimeter

  • Yikes (unregistered) in reply to TS

    This makes me wonder - is there a designated "delimiter" character in Unicode?

  • Cardinal Richelieu (unregistered) in reply to Yikes

    “If you give me six lines written by the hand of the most honest of men, I will find something in them which will hang him.”

  • (nodebb) in reply to Yikes

    [q]This makes me wonder - is there a designated "delimiter" character in Unicode?[/q] Yes, ASCII 0x1E is the record separator and 0x1F is the field separator.

  • (nodebb) in reply to Foo

    No, TRWTF is that Python has a perfectly good CSV library that has a single function to write out a 2D array.

  • (nodebb) in reply to Steve_The_Cynic

    ...do you mean "rows"?

  • (nodebb)

    the moment you realise import csv would not solve any problems here...

  • Chris (unregistered) in reply to Conradus

    Wanna bet the spacing to get the column headings lining up in the output was only relevant in some version of some long deprecated application used many years ago, and has been kept because changing it would be too much work and likely break many things?

  • (nodebb) in reply to Steve_The_Cynic

    because the fine people who wrote Excel's CSV handling were farble-faced farble-nuts, so it uses the localised number representations for both export and import. In France, they have a decimal comma, not a decimal point, so the column separator in CSV files is a semicolon.

    The worst part is that they had it right initially. The seperator was a setting in Excel. But some brillant mind decided to change that and use the localized seperator that is set in Windows (in Excel 97 maybe, I don't remember the exact version). Always fun (not) when dealing with multiple Excel / csv files with different localizations, at the same time. As is quite common in every country outside of the US, in my experience.

  • (nodebb) in reply to konnichimade

    ...do you mean "rows"?

    Most definitely not. The column separator in Excel's version of CSV is localised, as is the representation of numbers. If we interpret that CSV file as US-English Excel would interpret it, then save as a .xlsx file, then load the .xlsx file into French Excel, and export as CSV, the result is:


    Note that the commas have become semicolons.

    French Excel treats the original file as having two rows of one column each, using the comma as a decimal "point". (The French use a "decimal comma" instead of a "decimal point".)

  • FTB (unregistered) in reply to Foo

    "CSV files itself are very simple, that's the point to them."

    Wait 'til you find out about the CSV files that aren't separated by commas. Or the multi-line data conventions.

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  • Dave (unregistered)

    Criticising Excel because you don't know how to use it is daft. It offers import options for all the scenarios mentioned and many more. It's impressive it can get it right automatically as often as it does, but where it doesn't the correct settings are configurable.

    Along with such settings are options to do useful things on import like setting column types, transposing tables, and so on.

    I get the impression that a lot of people last tried using Excel in about 2000 or earlier, and gave no real experience of the improvements made since.

    Ultimately excel is a lot like Wetherspoons pubs - you may not be in the market for what they offer, but it's bloody hard to find anything they're trying to do that could be done better.

  • WTFGuy (unregistered)

    The issue with Excel is generally not that Excel can't do it.

    It's that the users who barely know more than simple formulas and raw data entry cannot use it correctly. If there's something like an options tab on a dialog box, rest assured 95% of your users have never clicked it and have idea what wonders it holds, much less when and how to use them. Heck, 50% of your users have never even noticed the tab exists.

  • Ray (unregistered) in reply to Foo

    Excel just tries to be too smart when it comes to CSV files.

    Microsoft took the idea that if you are opening a CSV in Excel (Mostly because Excel asserts itself as the default program for CSV files...) that you won't be re-saving it or doing anything much more than manually pulling data out of it.

    We use CSV files at work, they come from our suppliers for a variety of different things, and unfortunately if you look at the CSV file before passing it onto scripts that need to interact with it, and you make the mistake of clicking 'save' in Excel, well, you've just made things infinitely more annoying.

    Excel tries to be data 'aware', if it sees a number, regardless of whether that number is in quotes (Which for a CSV denotes a string), Excel converts it to a number, which means the leading 0 gets removed, kinda a problem if it happens to be a barcode or a supplier SKU that actually starts with a 0.

    If the 'number' is too long, it'll convert it to an exponent, and if you click 'save', well, now your CSV file has a lovely 'E+' where it should have had an actual number (Especially annoying, again, for barcodes).

    I really really wish MS would just make Excel less smart with CSV files, but hey, Excel has had this issue for decades, I don't expect it to change anytime soon.

    And yes, you can tell people they should be 'importing' the CSV, but they never listen, or they do it once and then forget, because the default action is to double-click it.....

  • (nodebb) in reply to Dave

    Criticising Excel because you don't know how to use it is daft. It offers import options for all the scenarios mentioned and many more.

    You know that end-users open a .csv file by double-clicking, which gives zero access to the import options? And that using import with options can be a lot of work, if you have to import dozens of files?

  • Plant (unregistered) in reply to TS

    Using tabs is just sticking your head in the sand. (Google "Concordance Delimiters" if you want to really get your ears filled with sand.)

    CSV's are perfectly reasonable for table data if they are formatted and escaped correctly, which they almost never are unless the people making them are using a good library. Even Excel does a good job reading them. (One trick is that Excel will be happier if your text encoding has a BOM. It does dumb things for otherwise in some situations.)

  • Guest (unregistered)

    Quote: "Like so many things, the CSV files are actually way more complicated than people think."

    There's nothing complicated about CSV-files. Just escape appropriately (strings containing ",", "\n", "\r", "\l" for sure, and perhaps "\t" and ";" as a nicety towards applications that are overly nice by being flexible about what separator is actually used). There is the issue of Excel interpreting a "," as a decimal separator depending on locales, but that's its problem (not CSV's). There used to be an issue with ASCII vs unicode, but any application that still fails reading CSV's on account of that should be put in a home for the elderly.

  • Chris (unregistered) in reply to WTFGuy

    That sounds like a feature discoverability issue.

  • Old timer (unregistered) in reply to Foo

    "The main problem with CSV generation is, that clients often use Excel"

    What really made my head explode: when you export/save as CSV from Excel, it's not all valid Excel CSV. Excel can't load it.

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