• (nodebb)

    AUD 0 - 160000 per annum? Maybe I'll stick with the job I have.

  • (nodebb)

    For the one from the anonymous bus rider, it's the MBTA; the bus might have left 3 minutes ago and then stopped 30 seconds later for no reason. If you keep walking, you'll probably beat it to the next stop.

  • Neveranull (unregistered)

    Can I go back in time and be frist?

  • (nodebb)

    The ridiculous options on surveys aren't really a WTF. They're to catch out bots (or humans not answering properly). If you tick that you're a time travel engineer, you're either a liar or a bot answering randomly, so can be rejected from the survey.

  • MightyBantam (unregistered)

    Never mind 70s tech, I'd be more concerned at the Burmese cooking heads....

  • (nodebb) in reply to SteelCamel2

    But what if I will have already been an actual time-travel engineer who travelled into the past to answer the survey?

  • Graham (unregistered)

    Not so bothered about the time travel, but slightly bothered about the Burmese cooking heads.

  • (nodebb) in reply to SteelCamel2

    Now I want to submit an enhancement ticket so that anyone that picks the funny option is automatically unsubscribed from all past and future surveys.

  • Michael R (unregistered) in reply to SteelCamel2

    Interesting. I was not aware of that.

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