• (nodebb)

    Steve's involvement with development going forward has been severely limited.

  • Oneway (unregistered)

    'No limit' is ambiguous in meaning here. It can mean either: 'There is no defined limit', or 'The defined limit is positive infinity'. In practice, they CAN mean the same thing. If the Steve interpreted 'no limit' as the first meaning, then I would have no problem representing it as null, seeing as null means no data. Perhaps this could be represented in a more typ-safe way, but this is PHP, so what'd you expect?

  • (nodebb)

    In what Pollyanna artificial timeline did the correct loser-worker get the axe while the good folks survived.

    Surely this cannot come from our real timeline.

  • (nodebb) in reply to Oneway

    In what world does "no limit" ever mean "limit is not known" rather than "unlimited"? And even if it does, how would that be implemented in a financial application?

  • Jaloopa (unregistered) in reply to Barry Margolin

    No limit means we reach for the sky. No valley too deep, no mountain too high


  • Dan Swartzendruber (unregistered) in reply to Jaloopa


  • No point (unregistered)

    Undefined limit on a note or party may be totally different than unlimited. Consider default limits that may be overriden for specific parties or situations. It is far more effective to not define the default value on the note or party as the default may change over time and you dont want to batch update all the entities in your system probably.

    That being said the function party->limit can have that default check built in of course

  • (nodebb) in reply to Jaloopa

    I always find it hard to reach for the sky by going in a deep bottom less valley.

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