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I can't unsee that now. It looks like a cross between Jones and Vimes. I think I'm going to have to take a say's sick leave.
My guess is that the original programmer of this came directly from assembler.
Vformat = ("00000000"+Vnum.toFixed(2)).slice(-11);
Does anybody really care about pennies any more?
And the thousands separators?
FWIW, super-simple one-liner:
return (Math.round(Vnum * 100) / 100).toLocaleString();
Vformat = Vnum.toFixed(2).replace(/(\d)(?=(\d{3})+.)/g, '$1,');
The above post just proves that the code in the article is not as terrible as you first thought after all.
You can't do this replacement. toLocaleString() wouldn't let us e. g. Germans see that beautiful American decimal and thousands separators where they belong. E. g. 1234.56 would be represented as "1.234,56" and not as the JavaScript gods designed it, as "1,234.56".
Just Superman and Michael Bolton.
Michael Bolton? The no talent assclown?
if it's that important to you: return (Math.round(Vnum * 100) / 100).toLocaleString("en-US");
Wha...? If you want js to read it, leave it as Number type. When you display it to user, use their locale. Number.prototype.toLocaleString() was provided by the JavaScript gods.
"Parsimony" <-- I see what you did there. Next up: "metaphor," followed by "horticulture"
When I was but a lad, we had a five-instruction recursive number formatter for the PDP-10. Anything larger than that was considered wasteful and time-consuming. If you ever wondered how these ancient, glacial, tiny systems got anything at all done, this is how.
Number parsing? That looks more like number formatting to me.
Ah, no. No. You don't understand. It's, uh, very complicated. It's, uh, it's, it's aggregate so I'm talking about fractions of a cent that, uh, over time, they add up to a lot.
@DigitalDan Really? The shortest I can find is 8 instructions: http://pdp10.nocrew.org/docs/instruction-set/Calculator.html DECOT1: IDIVI A,10. HRLM B,(P) ;Save remainder in LH of stack word ;whose RH contains our return address. SKIPE A ;If quotient is nonzero, PUSHJ P,DECOT1 ;print higher-order digits of number. HLRZ A,(P) ;Get back this remainder (this digit). ADDI A,"0 .IOT CHTTYO,A POPJ P,
sub DECOT1(A) { A, B = divmod(A, 10) returnAddress.left = B.right if (A != 0) { call DECOT1(A) } A = {.left = 0, .right = returnAddress.left} A += '0' put_char(A) return // to returnAddress.righ, ignoring returnAddress.left }
I miss my DEC toys......(wish I had the space to get them out of storage and back into live usage)...Though I never had a 10 or a 20 (I worked on them, but somehow they never made it to the tertiary market)
I, for one, care about penises. And coffee. I might not have enough coffee.
Also, is "unindentional" already a word for things like the goto fail bug?
View -> Source is all you need for a Remy posting.
I know enough German to recognize a naughty nickname when I see it ...
When I was a wee lad, we didn't have CSS at all. And I don't think I'm that old.
Some alternatives: Vformat = Vnum.toFixed(2).replace(/\B(?=(...)+$)/g, ','); Vformat = new Intl.NumberFormat("en-US", {style: "currency", currency: "USD"}).format(Vnum).slice(1);
Addendum 2016-04-20 07:09:
Someone already pointed out the lack of thousand separators, but also leading zeros were not actually requested.
Doesn't work for multiples of 10 cents.
Doesn't work for numbers between 10000 and 1000000.
Some alternatives: Vformat = Vnum.toFixed(2).replace(/\B(?=(\d\d\d)+\b)/g, ','); Vformat = Vnum.toFixed(2).replace(/\B(?=...(...)+$)/g, ','); Vformat = new Intl.NumberFormat("en-US", {style: "currency", currency: "USD"}).format( Vnum).slice(1);
Addendum 2016-04-20 07:10: Some alternatives:
Vformat = Vnum.toFixed(2).replace(/\B(?=(...)+$)/g, ',');
Vformat = new Intl.NumberFormat("en-US", {style: "currency", currency: "USD"}).format(Vnum).slice(1);
Oh, for a decent commenting system. Or even Discurse.