• Harris (unregistered)

    The Lyft one is probably because the Map doesn't know you can go right onto that street if you aren't on it, or it's a dual carriageway (or whatever the American equivalent is) and it thinks you are on the opposite side of the road.

  • Brian Boorman (google) in reply to Harris

    What I find more interesting is Pascal's penchant for junk food as indicated by the McDonald's and Taco Bell notifications in the top bar.

  • Robin (unregistered)

    The PHP one is hilarious - like the poster, I'd love to know if it's an actual error or someone having a laugh, but I find it equally hilarious (just in different ways) whichever is true.

  • Brian (unregistered)

    No wonder you're having trouble with your Uber ride; you're using the Lyft app to call it.

  • Talis (unregistered) in reply to Robin

    Comparing the screenshot to the current Wiki page, it seems like someone added the date of the stable release twice, thus confusing the underlying function that calculates the "x day ago" value.

    The screenshot has been taken around November 11th, but I'm not sure which edit is responsible.

  • Scott (unregistered)

    I took a trip on US 6 this summer. It was a lot greener then.

  • (nodebb)

    Not talking Uber, but a different company (in Europe),... The map would show the driver(s) that were nearest and available, then the line to where they would pick you up, then to the destination... It was actually quite nice as you could see where your potential drivers were before booking.

  • Randal L. Schwartz (google) in reply to TheCPUWizard

    It was actually quite nice as you could see where your potential drivers were before booking.

    Well, not precisely, as that would be a bad security issue. I recall reading company clarifications that the "drivers" are merely an indication of the number of nearby drivers, and not their location.

  • (nodebb)

    The mapping one is common: All the mapping engines have problems with the concept of exactly where you can turn and I've never seen one that understood that parking lots can have entrances on multiple streets--if the official address is on a street where you can't turn across it they will send you on to where you can make a U-turn, they will never consider that you could turn onto a cross street and enter the parking lot from there.

  • Chris (unregistered)

    For the PHP error I like in particular, that it shows in the stable version section...

  • tbo (unregistered) in reply to Harris

    Divided highway.

    Also, the captcha took me like 10 tries this time, wtf?

  • Prime Mover (unregistered)

    I used Lyft in the Detroit area when I was there a few times up till a year ago. Excellent little app, pretty good service.

    Just thought I'd say that, so as to put things into perspective.

  • Jake (unregistered)

    I don't think the Wikipedia one should count. Literally anyone can edit and cause a markup to break, it's very common.

    Also, why not grab some reCAPTCHA porn while we're at it: https://i.ibb.co/n6m5VQH/image.png

  • Glen Barksen (unregistered)

    "being used by an iPhone" - hopefully, your iPhone...

  • t (unregistered) in reply to Robin

    That PHP error now been fixed, but sadly that was in a Lua script, not PHP.

  • WTFGuy (unregistered)

    @Glen Barksen Ref:

    "being used by an iPhone" - hopefully, your iPhone...

    If you look closely, the txt is clipped on the right. It really says:

    An orange indicator means the microphone is being used by an a...... iPhone. If you open the Apple's voice memo app or open any app.....

    Which most likely really reads something like:

    An orange indicator means the microphone is being used by an app on your iPhone. If you open the Apple's voice memo app or open any app* that takes speech*..... .....

    Which makes a lot more sense.

    On the other hand, there's no excuse for "... If you open the Apple's voice memo app ...". The "the" or the "Apple's" has got to go. Editing oversight or ESL goof during localization? Hard to say.

  • (nodebb) in reply to WTFGuy

    Which most likely really reads something like:

    You are is being correct. The Googles found this article https://medium.com/macoclock/why-your-iphone-show-a-green-orange-and-red-dot-in-the-status-bar-356183e70ae2

  • eric bloedow (unregistered)

    oh, the first one reminded me of one where someone was trying to use some sort of trip-planning software to plan a trip from New York to Florida, and it suggested a route through...CHICAGO!

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