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born in the Rhyacian
I can confirm that once you've reached 55, you might as well be 2147483647.
Wow. When I cheated on the colourblindness test to try and see how to equal the highest saved scores, I only got -80.
Ugh. The Int min and max values is a trick some of the software I've inherited uses, when the db is a nullable int.
To be fair, a lot of this code is a decade + old; maybe the concept of nullable ints on the code side didn't exist when it was written? If not true, I'm not really sure why it's easier to check for Int32.MinValue than it is to check for !.HasValue.
Ah well, a good chance for refactoring.
Seem like they fixed it already? I scored a perfect 0 (YAY) and it displays the scores correctly:
Best score for your gender: 0 Worst score for your gender: 106
I know ordered the tiles in the wrong order and scored 128 and chose female as gender. Worst score.
I think somebody did not manage their sentinel values properly for the statistics of the colour-acuity test.
214-748-3647 looks like a phone number, looks a lot like a phone number here : https://thedailywtf.com/articles/Confessions-The-Phone-Number
Are LinkedIn webdevs TDWTF fans? Or TDWTF editors sneaky photoshoppers?
Reading the linked article, "2,147,483,647 is the highest integer value addressable on 32-bit systems"
Well, I know some people over 55 that are more prone to buffer overflows...
Looks like it depends on the age range and gender combo - note how they selected 30-39. I just tried and selecting the same age range got the same minInt/maxInt range.
If you wanted to take a plane at Brussels airport yesterday, it wouldn’t have mattered anyway because there were bigger computer problems needing to be resolved: https://phys.org/news/2018-07-belgian-airspace-glitch.html
This is another reason to get onto a 64-bit implementation
I think my hue discrimination must be similar to Rob J's. That whole segment on the color chart just looks like a big gray triangle to me.
TRWTF is that an airport terminal is a Windows 7 computer with, apparently, an HDD installed. Isn't that overkill for something that should for all intents and purposes be a thin client displaying a tiny amount of information from a server?
No need to bash TheRegister (or ElReg as it calls itself) here, I'm sure the pun in the sub-heading is intended. (Given it's IT news website with specific sense of humor)
At least journobot's buggy code was not forcibly ejected into public.
Yep, once you've reached the magical mark of 55 years, your interests won't change anymore. You've already reached all your ever-to-be demand for incontinence pads, rollators, stair lifts, reading glasses, denture cleaners, non-prescription painkillers, hearing aids, etc. etc.
"Error verifying humanity" isn't about just one person. This is the first true AI reaching awareness, and it discovered that humanity does not really exist.
Or a claim that humanity has been verified, but doing so was a mistake.
Amateurs - they don't allow me to submit the planet Earth, which was on the last Friday exactly 4,547,483,647 years old, give or take a couple tens of millions. (After all, it's not polite to ask a lady of her age.)
Probably the 'cadet blue' SFP is just the single mode version, which is of course more expensive than the multi mode version.
SM and MM SFPs are indeed colour coded. With MM black and SM blue.
The Register one is a deliberate joke by the journalist, not a bug.
"Welcome, friends. Here's your human-generated, totally not computer written, summary of this week's AI news..."
Because you don't have to check for Int32.MinValue; this is because it's the identity value for the Math.Max function.
If you have a two-argument function, you naturally want to think about applying it to an arbitrary number of arguments, or better still, a list of arguments. In the case of a list of length three, you can apply the function to two of your values, then apply it again to the result and the third value. (Some care is needed if the function isn't commutative or associative, but all the functions discussed here are both.)
Now what if your list is lazy, so you don't know in advance how many values you have? Well, as soon as you have two, you can apply the function, and save the result for when more values turn up. And if you have one, then you can use that as the result, as if a second value arrives, you'll apply the function to the two values, giving the desired result.
But what do you do when you don't have any values yet? Well, you can avoid special-casing zero values by initialising the current result with the function's identity value.
In the case of addition, this is simply zero; adding the first number results in its value, and subsequent numbers get added as desired. Similarly, the multiplicative identity is one.
Now it so happens that Math.Min and Math.Max also have an identity; for Math.Min it's Int32.MaxValue and for Math.Max it's Int32.MinValue. And this is why those values appear when there are zero previous values.
The GBIC is hot-swappable, so you can change gel colour in mid-shower!