• Ginssuart (unregistered)

    Frist :D

    Thats not german, thats dutch, I think.

  • (nodebb)

    The thing with letter introduction lines (Dear Blabla, etc.) is even worse in French, where the word that translates "Dear" changes between if you're addressing a man or a woman. (Cher monsieur or Chère madame)

  • t (unregistered) in reply to Steve_The_Cynic

    Split the difference: Chèr

  • DQ (unregistered) in reply to Ginssuart

    Yes, it is.

  • DQ (unregistered)

    And in Dutch you can just write

    Beste Reinier

  • erffrfez (unregistered) in reply to Ginssuart

    clean and hygienic?

  • Zatapatique (unregistered)
    Comment held for moderation.
  • Zatapatique (unregistered)

    Dear [##victimname##], please reply to [##scammeremail##]

  • (nodebb)

    The formatting had me confused enough to look it up. The Power BI pricing is USD (so A1 is $1) an hour! Like how we list gas prices at $#.##9 per gallon. (Or 8 in the Simpsons episode "In Marge We Trust")

  • (nodebb)

    How about "Hey you!"

  • BuiltInYorkshire (unregistered)
    Comment held for moderation.
  • (nodebb)

    That's not .65 bytes, that's .65 GB. Clearly, fractional gigabytes do exist. I have many of them on disk here!

  • matt (unregistered)

    Perhaps a distant cousin of the fencepost error: where to put the period with respect to a parenthetical remark. (It's there at the end). is wrong because the parenthetical IS is own sentence: (It's there at the end.) Too many people get this, and the inverse, wrong. Miquelfire, meanwhile, is just avoiding using one entirely... but that's another where the period WOULD go inside. Can you see that I am serious??

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