It's been a long while since the look and feel of The Daily WTF has been updated. The last update was a little over six years ago when MySpace was still king, Twitter was a silly new fad, and the iPhone was but a few months old. We expiremented with a new look on the OMGWTF2 Contest Mini-site, and got some pretty positive feedback.
In an effort not to pull a Slashdot (or worse, the rename that shall not be named) , we wanted to ask you, the reader, what you think about an updated look and feel. So, even if you really don't have an opinion, please take a few moments to fill out the reader survey.
After the survey, I'll publish the results (see previous survey results) and share the data.
Also, I'll be in Tokyo from March 28 to April 5, and would love to do another TDWTF Tokyo Get-together. So, if you'll be in town, please email me and we'll figure something out.