Strictly speaking, closer to 700 miles than 500, but if we really cared about precision we'd just go insaner.

Peripatetic Jonathan calls out an inappropriate use of lexical sort, as he wryly suggests he'd be "Just popping over quickly to the nearby store which is 1200km away from me." But he entirely missed also calling out the odd location of the Pargo Greatlinks cafe. We've got you covered, Jonathan.



Peckish David L. "Trying to review a pending grocery order, I was challenged with the perfect Captcha. I'd like to see a bot complete this one!"



Nostalgic Barry M. cooly wonders "How long will it take to binge watch Not a Frasier?". Meanwhile, I'm reading ',--and creating,--' and looking for a content creator to defenestrate.



We got lucky when D-Coder found some novel bad date math for us. Is this a failure to convert ms to seconds? He says "I guess that's a looooong time from now," and he's right.



A poster who wisely wanted to remain anonymous crowed "Can't wait to become the master of {{#_iv}}{{/_iv}} in no time!"



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