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It can be quite excitingto glimpse at the change history of a method and see how it has evolved over time. Well exciting is probably too strong of a word for most of you; perhaps "boring," "tedious," or "the worst-possible-way-I-can-think-of-spending-my-free-time" is a more apt description. No less, I think this example from Nathan Ratcliff provides a unique glimpse of the ... de-evolution ... of the ufTrimZeros() T-SQL function with its three failed attempts at trimming zeros. Hopefully 1.11 should be the only number ever needed ....
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.ufTrimZeros (@MoneyAmount varchar(15)) RETURNS varchar(15) AS BEGIN RETURN '1.11' /* SET @MoneyAmount = REPLACE( REPLACE( @MoneyAmount, '.00', ''), '.0', '') IF RIGHT(@MoneyAmount, 1) = '.' SET @MoneyAmount = REPLACE(@MoneyAmount, '.', '') RETURN @MoneyAmount */ /* DECLARE @StrippedZeros AS varchar(15) DECLARE @Temp1 as varchar(15) DECLARE @Temp2 as varchar(15) SET @Temp1 = Substring(@MoneyAmount, 1, charindex('.', @MoneyAmount)-1) SET @Temp2 = Substring(@MoneyAmount, charindex('.', @MoneyAmount) + 1, Len(@MoneyAmount) - (charindex('.', @MoneyAmount) + 1)) DECLARE @I int SET @I = Len(@Temp2) WHILE @I > 0 BEGIN IF Substring(@Temp2, @I, 1) <> '0' Break; SET @I = @I - 1 END IF @I > 0 SELECT @StrippedZeros = @Temp1 + '.' + Substring(@Temp2, 1, Len(@Temp2) - @I) ELSE SELECT @StrippedZeros = @Temp1 RETURN @StrippedZeros */ /* DECLARE @StrippedZeros AS varchar(15) SET @StrippedZeros = REPLACE( CAST( @MoneyAmount AS varchar( 12 )), '.00', '' ) SELECT @StrippedZeros = CASE WHEN RIGHT( REPLACE( CAST( @StrippedZeros AS varchar( 12 )), '.00', '' ), 1 ) = '0' THEN LEFT( REPLACE( CAST( @StrippedZeros AS varchar( 12 )), '.00', '' ), LEN ( REPLACE( CAST( @StrippedZeros AS varchar( 12 )), '.00', '' ) ) - 1 ) ELSE @StrippedZeros END RETURN @StrippedZeros */ END