I'm sure that we all have created "WTF" of our own and learned from the experience one way or another. Me, I had to maintain my own code. That wasn't fun. But, I do know that I (and hopefully, most others here) have never erred so badly and frequently as to be honored with an -ism. You know what I'm talking about ... you're looking through code and come across the all-too-common egregious implementation from a certain you-know-who. That's an {insert your colleagues name}ism.
Now that Rik has long departed from Steve Wahl's Team, Steve was kind enough to share a Rikism. But not all was lost -- they use their old Rikisms to gauge candidates' reactions: the more pain and disgust, the more desirable the candidate became.
do { if (entry_is_valid) { BOOL discoveredEntry; RemoveEntry(List); discoveredEntry = !IsListEmpty(List) process_valid_entry(); if (discoveredEntry) goto DoNextListItem; else break; } else { BOOL discoveredEntry; RemoveEntry(List); discoveredEntry = !IsListEmpty(List) process_notvalid_entry(); if (discoveredEntry) goto DoNextListItem; else break; } ASSERT(FALSE); // Shouldn't get here. DoNextListItem: } while (!IsListEmpty(List));