"APPL IS COMPLTLY FRIED," Damien's emergency pager read, "CANT EVEN LOGON TO SRVR!!!" Damien dragged himself out of bed and VPN'ed on in. The middle-of-the-night page did not lie: any attempt at accessing the application resulted in an incomprehensible "Internal Framework Error," and the server prevented any logon attempts with something to the effect of "cannot load security profile." Fortunately, the logs were available ... all sixty-eight gigabytes of them. Damien was able to kill the logs, which were consuming every bit of free space on the drive and every bit of available memory, queued to write to disk.
A bit of investigation the next day revealed the culprit: the LogFillerPlugin class. Written by a "de-hired" coworker, its purpose was surprisingly not sabotage, but to ensure that the log properly wrote out 16k ... every single second ...