Ken's team recently inherited a VB6-based application. They were a bit a disappointed -- but not surprised -- to see that the application reinforced those certain stereotypes of VB applications. After a little while of going through and documenting the code, they were delighted to finally see some a comment and even error handling .... errr .... wait .... at least it was one of the nicer named functions ...
Public Function VerifyOrdNum(xOrdNum As String) As Boolean VerifyOrdNum = True Dim numOrd As Long If Len(xOrdNum) <> 7 Then MsgBox "Enter a seven (7) digit Order Number", vbCritical, strErrTitle VerifyOrdNum = False Exit Function End If 'check the numeric order number On Error GoTo errorhandler numOrd = xOrdNum Exit Function errorhandler: MsgBox "Order # must be numeric", , strErrTitle VerifyOrdNum = False End Function