"Personally, I prefer my wine a little chilled," Kevin Burfitt writes, "or at least below boiling point."
"I was perusing the legal section of the The Beach Reporter and came across some missing 'links'," Ben Siepser wrote, "good thing ordinance legalese is completely unreadable anyway."
"This error came from a crash in Rise of Nations," writes Matt W, "I should've pressed 'Retry' or 'Ignore" to see what it would have done."
"TRU Energy seems to have a unique definition of 3%," Daniel notes, "not that I mind... so long as it's a 3% discount."
"This was at the border between the US and Mexico in Tijuana," Lou noted, "at first I thought this was the boot screen, but it would just flash the logo every few seconds at different locations... it was the screen saver."