No, it hasn't been a whole month already, I'm just clearing out a large backlog of submissions.
For many, many more, check out the previous post from the series, Pop-up Potpourri: Announced By God.
Ian Horwill understands that not all questions have a Yes or No answer but he wasn't quite sure how that applied here ...
I doubt that most of us have the 4,294,967,294 unread messages that Ross Gouldthorpe does, but still, a folder with negative two emails would be a nice relief ...
This next message is from Stefan du Toit and is a bit ironic considering that this next message is from Stefan du Toit and is a bit ironic ...
But this wasn't the only error Stefan du Toit encountered while using Installshield Developer ...
Despite unplugging the network cable, Ade Lovett's Apple G5 still insists that its online ...
I'm always skeptical when things are greater than 100%, but from what Graham shows me here, it looks like Alcohol 120% is really giving it 120% by stuffing all that stuff in eight gigabytes ...
Corey Spitzer was surprised to see that Lexmark apparently doesn't expect their printers to still be in use 8(?) years after they're bought ...
And how exactly is Jon Dawson supposed to decline upgrading his software?
Now that's some overclocking! If only Indrek know how he was able to get 20 THz out of his AMD Turion CPU ...
Graham Aldridge opted not to scroll down all the way to see how far it would go ...
(Snipped to save 700 pixels)
I think that Brad came across one of those solutions that problematizes itself ...
M.D.B. got these while installing a LexMark printer driver. Apparently, the funniness ran out after the fourth click or so ...
Never before was Tim so tempted to check a box ...
Simon Vilmer Pedersen was a bit scared when he received this message after installing a game ...
Arrrrrr! Kimberly Horne found this while tryin' t' plunder There be a lot o' progress buried in these sands.