Ever since the first Free Sticker Week ended back in February '07, I've been sending out WTF Stickers to anyone that mailed me a SASE or a small Souvenir. Nothing specific, per the instructions page, "anything will do." Well, here goes anything, yet again! (previous: Random Assortment Transfer).
After reading about the dire lunch situation here at Inedo, Markus Holzer (Germany) sent the Best Souvenir Ever: a lunch survival kit from Germany.
As for its contents, I'll let the note explain...
The contents were packed with those edible, wheat-based foam packing peanuts which actually tasted pretty decent once slathered in the würze sauce.
Straight from Westlake, Ohio, Eric Eilberg sent this pair of pins from the US Under 25 Long Range Rifle Team that were distributed at the World Championships in Ottowa.
Good stars! Matt Lester (Lorton, VA) sent over the September, 1977 edition of WORLD'S FINEST COMICS, which revealed the truth about Superman's twin brother!
While Toledo doesn't quite make my Top Ten Things That Suck list, it's good to know that, thanks to Jason Champion (Columbus, OH), I have a bumper sticker ready if I change my mind.
SSG Ray Rivera (Fort Summerall, Iraq) sent over a 250 Dinar note.
"As of last year," wrote Rory Fitzpatrick (Scotland), "the Royal Bank of Scotland stopped printing £1 notes. Just as well, I've always had a hard time convincing anyone south of the border that they were legal tender."
And then there's this NCAA ticket that James Paul (Boise, ID) sent in.
Anjam Kovalagawn (Sri Lanka) sent some random items from his junk drawer, along with a 10-, 20-, and 50-rupee bill. And I have to say, good thinking, Sri Lanka: the fact that smaller bills are physically smaller than the larger ones probably makes to easier to develop vending machines. Oh, and I bet blind people appreciate it, too.
Just a tip, Loveland: after seeing this bumper sticker that Sam Bakula (Denver, CO) sent, I think you should totally do the "I (HeartSymbol) (HeartSymbol)Land" instead. It'd be awesome, because everyone would be like, "Huh? I Heart Heartland? Heart isn't a verb, and there's no Heartla-- ooooooohhhh, I get it. I Love Loveland. That's awesome!"
Charles Nadolski (Chicago, IL) - also known as OMGWTF Finalist #07 - send this memorabilia from Chicago.
Robbie Laity(Palos Verdes, CA) sent these headphones he picked up at the Dell booth at CES 2008. Unfortunately, they weren't compatable with the postal services sorting machines, hence the large gash and torn up envelope.
Somehow Jim Volker's (San Francisco, CA) souvenirs made it through unharmed. In case you're wondering, the RAM is a 256KB VRAM chip for Macs, and the CF Card apparently has two photos of Jim's former coworkers. But seriously... who has a compact flash reader these days?
Piotr J (Gorzów Wlkp, Poland) sent this awesome assortment of Polish treats. I have no idea what's with tbe Poles and their incredibly tastey candies... but I like it!
I still have a big pile to photograph, so stay tuned for the next Souvenir Potpourri. Feel free to snail-mail in your own in exchange for some WTF Stickers.