Please show your support for The Daily WTF by checking out the companies that have been kind enough to sponsor us. And, in doing so, I’m sure you’ll find some pretty cool products and services built by like-minded developers and IT professionals.
Microsoft/web - We teamed up with Microsoft/web to answer a burning question: with the dizzying array of languages, frameworks, tools, and technologies, what do you think about web development? It's all finished! Just let us know if you'd like a copy! Decent Diversions
Comic Reader Mobi - I'm not a big comic book guy myself,but Comic Reader Mobi looks like a good way to start. Simply tap any of the text bubbles to magnify; the app automatically detects the size of the text bubble and magnifies that text alone. You can also magnify a small area without expanding the entire page. It is an extremely handy feature that allows you to see the whole page and read the text without zooming in and out. Cool Tools
Splunk - Search, navigate, alert and report on all your IT data in real time. Logs, configurations, messages, traps and alerts, script, code, metrics and more. If a machine can generate it -- Splunk can eat it. Caretta Software - makers of GUI Design Studio, a specialized software prototyping and User Interface design tool for Desktop, Mobile and Web Applications. Quick and Easy to use, with No Coding! Why not give the 30-day trial a shot? TechSmith - the world’s leading provider of screen capture and recording software for individual and professional use. Personally, I can't live without SnagIt, and am quickly getting addicted to Camtasia. The Jing project is also pretty interesting for instant sharing. SlickEdit - makers of that very-impressive code editor and some pretty neat Eclipse and VisualStudio.NET tools and add-ins, some of which (Gadgets) are free. Check out this short video highlighting just one of SlickEdit's Visual Studio integration features. Software Verification - software engineering tools for memory leak detection, code coverage, performance profiling, thread lock contention analysis and thread deadlock detection, flow tracing and application replay on the Windows Vista, 2003, XP, 2000 and NT platforms. Great Components
MindFusion - a great source for flow-charting and diagramming components for a variety of platforms including .NET, WPF, ActiveX and Swing Divelements - developers of WinForms, WPF, and Silverlight controls. Easily integrate the Office 2007 Ribbon Interface, Dockable Windows, and several other interfaces. All products are available with a 30-day trial. Atlassian - the folks behind JIRA (which, in turn inspired Manual JIRA) wanted to let you know that they're not a "follow the rules" software company who realizes that there is no single recipe for practicing agile development. They were once hungry for practical tips, so they thought they should share their agile story. Solid Hosting
Go Grid - the first multi-tier, cloud computing platform that allows you to manage your cloud hosting infrastructure completely on demand through an intuitive, web interface. Get powerful dedicated resources on a cloud computing architecture that you can buy as you need instead of deploying servers and building complex load balanced networks. Get a $50 credit when signing up! Cushy CMS - a hosted CMS built from the ground up with ease of use in mind. It's incredibly simple to use: no PHP or ASP required. If you can add CSS classes to HTML tags then you can implement CushyCMS. And best of all, it's free. Spend a few minutes and try it out! SoftLayer - serious hosting provider with datacenters in three cities (Dallas, Seattle, DC) that has plans designed to scale from a single, dedicated server to your own virtual data center (complete with racks and all)
And now, back to our regularly, completely off-topic scheduled program.
Maxim K spotted this waterless flushing urinal in Botany Bay National Park, Kurnell, NSW.
"If they're standing behind it," Rick Xaver writes, "they're doing it wrong."
"I spotted this near Dayton, OH," writes Roberto Sanchez, "Incidentally, the same typo appeared on the driver's door, but traffic was moving a little too quickly for me to be able to manage a second picture."
"I am part of the emergency response division here at work," N.A. wrote, "while planning for outbreaks, plagues, and bioterrorist attacks, we tested out some of the body bags. This one was terrible and, once the heat got to it, the bag started to stretch and give. Out of curiosity, I checked the tag and was surpried at the company's web address."
"I found this from my (exam-board approved) IT textbook while revising for an upcoming AS exam," Ross Masters, "Thankfully I had alternate notes for this section."
Carl Witthoft was excited: "Boy did I strike it rich with this investment account!"
"You can use the internet all day for free," David Kowis wrote, "or pay $2.95 for 15 minutes ($0.25 for each additional minute). What a deal!"
"Water flakes?" Sam wondered, "so.... the fish food is snow?"
"Assuming an eight character password," Bob notes, "they've reduced the key-space by 15 orders of magnitude. Brute-forcing my password would take a few hours on a quad-core."
"Apparently," writes Kevin, "there was just no way they could say 'closed'?"
"I tried to check hours of my apartment management office," Konstantin wrote, you can not argue with a logic like that."
"I got a phone call one afternoon, and this wa the called id information," Rhyss writes, "Needless to say, I decided not to pick it up."
"This is the sign outside of our wiring closet," BMP wrote, "it also doubles as the men’s bathroom."
"Caution!", Hae Yu warns, "Don't Smoking!"