And for try #2 of this article (first one was a bit null'd). Our sponsors help pay the bills so please, try to check out what they do!
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Aurigma makes it incredibly easy for users to upload photos, documents, or any other kind of file directly into your app. Give your users the power to upload multiple files at once, resize photos prior to upload, and so many other things without any complications. New Relic is basically a magical, real-time performance and user monitoring tool that works on virtually any web platform: Java, Ruby, PHP, .net, Python, Ruby on Rails. I'm not sure how it works (magic?), but it's incredibly easy to use and is pretty inexpensive. Remember: performance is a must-have feature! Monetate - their testing, targeting and personalization platform for online retailers is used on leading websites like Best Buy, Sports Authority and Urban Outfitters. If you’re a problem-solver who is passionate about rich web applications, scaling Internet applications to billions of page views, and working with big data, then you’re a perfect fit for our close-knit and agile team.! Inedo - the makers of BuildMaster, the free, and easy-to-use, web-based deployment and release management tool. Going far beyond Continuous Integration, BuildMaster delivers a series of robust features unparalleled by other build-promote-deploy-distribute tools. Oh, did I mention it's free? SoftLayer - SoftLayer is the innovation leader in Cloud, Dedicated, and Managed Hosting with 13 data centers worldwide. We integrate best-in-class connectivity and technology into the industry’s only fully-automated platform, empowering enterprises with complete access, control, security, and scalability
"Reading The Cooling Kludge" reminded me of our very own asterisk reboot procedure."
"So my hard drive broke and I needed to report the serial number for warranty purposes," Gill notes, "guess this says a lot!"
"Hey cool, the hotel has a Careline!" Joshua Gold wrote, "too bad they don't care enough to keep it connected."
"Well then," writes Andrew, "I guess I will make sure I hit the ATM before dinner."
"On my way back from vacation, I picked up a local periodical from the rest stop," writes Will Luongo, "I've always had a soft spot for laskdfa ksd l;fajs;f dkfas;."
"I did not go to school in the US, so I'm not too familiar with the long division notation used here on my daughter's flash cards," writes Tore A. Klock, "but I'm pretty sure the division by zero rule is universal."
"I can't say I've seen a worse traffic design pattern," writes Paul Jacobs, "this is taken from inside a parking structure, on a ramp between levels. There's no sign for people coming from the right telling them what to do... though given the quality of the sign shown here they are probably better off."
"I found this on a gas station pump in Woodbury, MN," writes Greg Case.
Craig writes "everybody needs a room with a view."
"I was presented with this screen while taking a survey related to a recent Avis rental," Joe wrote, "this 'intro' screen was followed by five or six additional screens, where you could choose your 'Mannekin' for each response."