Please show your support for The Daily WTF by checking out the companies that have been kind enough to sponsor us. And, in doing so, I’m sure you’ll find some pretty cool products and services built by like-minded developers and IT professionals.
The Daily WTF Sponsors
Microsoft WebsiteSpark - a great program for web shops and freelance web developers and designers where you get some great software (Visual Studio Pro, SQL Server, Server 2008, etc), at no upfront cost for three years; it also provides support and resources to help grow business Rackspace Cloud - massively scalable hosting for .NET (2,3,3.5) PHP, Ruby, etc., with unlimited sites & mailboxes, simple online provisioning, and an enterprise clustered platform that's supported by real people. Peer 1 - provides award-winning Managed Hosting, Dedicated Hosting, Co-location, and Network services offered through 15 data center across North America. With over 10,000 businesses hosted on their legendary SuperNetwork™backbone, PEER 1 delivers one of the highest server performance and network outputs in the industry. MindFusion - a great source for flow-charting and diagramming components for a variety of platforms including .NET, WPF, ActiveX and Swing Software Verification - software engineering tools for memory leak detection, code coverage, performance profiling, thread lock contention analysis and thread deadlock detection, flow tracing and application replay on the Windows Vista, 2003, XP, 2000 and NT platforms. Atlassian - the folks behind JIRA (which, in turn inspired Manual JIRA) wanted to let you know that they're not a "follow the rules" software company who realizes that there is no single recipe for practicing agile development. They were once hungry for practical tips, so they thought they should share their agile story. SoftLayer - serious hosting provider with datacenters in three cities (Dallas, Seattle, DC) that has plans designed to scale from a single, dedicated server to your own virtual data center (complete with racks and all) SlickEdit - makers of that very-impressive code editor and some pretty neat Eclipse and VisualStudio.NET tools and add-ins, some of which (Gadgets) are free. Check out this short video highlighting just one of SlickEdit's Visual Studio integration features.
And now, back to our regularly, completely off-topic scheduled program.
"There is something so fundamentally wrong with this," David Daniel notes, "I bought an 'eBook' from the Arizona State University bookstore. At checkout, I wondered why they wanted me to choose a 'shipping address' and a 'carrier'... and now I know. They FedEx'ed me the eBook."
Carlos Santander spotted this at one of the rooms in the New Yorker Hotel in New York City.
Sam Ashmore writes, "I came home one day after they 'upgraded' the cable, and I found this."
"I found this graffiti on a wall," Marco writes, "I guess some people really couldn't deal with the move to NTFS?"
"I found this 'jack battery' at a friend's flat," writes Martin Haimberger, "the cable which comes out of the wall supplies them all! What a great engineer."
"I don't really know where to put a red frame to mark the spot," Norbert writes, "maybe around the whole picture?"
"We told you our Optional ROM Placement setting was risky," Hae Yu writes, "but did you believe us? Noooo!"
Chris writes, "I think they forgot something."
"Waitaminute," writes Ryan Blace, "so how am I supposed to get in?"
"It might have been helpful to have an instruction to 'read page 61 first' on the front of the manual," writes Paul Webb
"I was a bit confused when I saw the price difference on the two Leo bars," Wouter Verhelst commented, "needless to say, I went for number 51."
"When the soap runs out," Hans Holmberg wonders, "where are you supposed to download more?"