Let's say that I have a stupid report that needs constant attention and maintenance because of waffling business requirements. Rather than buying a fruit bouquet for the server admin because of all the promotes I'd be doing, one solution might be to dynamically fetch the SQL for the report from a table. That way, all I would need to do is run a single UPDATE statement, COMMIT, and it's done!
Better yet, what if I wrote a generic procedure that could call any of the SQL my query table. How enterprisey!! This seems to be the general intenet of the original developer behind a web app that Patrick Magee recently inherited.
First, here's the code that is used to fetch the SQL and run it:
OleDbConnection connection = new OleDbConnection(gobjConfig.GetConnectionString()); connection.Open(); cmdText = "select query from datacommand where commandname = " + szText; OleDbCommand command = new OleDbCommand(cmdText, connection); object obj2 = command.ExecuteScalar(); // adds some params to his query here cmdText = this.ParseQuery(obj2.ToString(), ref xnParameters); // and executes it back here OleDbDataAdapter adapter = new OleDbDataAdapter(cmdText, connection); dataSet = new DataSet(); adapter.Fill(dataSet); adapter.Dispose(); connection.Close(); connection.Dispose(); command.Dispose();
Not so bad. Could stand some tweaking but overall, it should work.
Well, before firing back in the comments "Where's the WTF?", consider the fact that the below is a sampling of the top 10 SQL queries that are fetched and run by the above code...out of more than 100.
Welcome to Patrick's hell.
CommandName | Query | QueryDescription |
WebPortalUser | SELECT U.*, S.Name AS SectorName FROM webportaluser U, Sector S WHERE U.PKey = {Parameters.UserKey} AND U.SectorKey *= S.Pkey |
Gets a web portal user record for edit or view |
TermsAndConditions | select text from termsandconditions where pkey = 1 |
Menus | select n.name, n.tooltip, m.packagename, m.eventname, m.targetframe, m.parameters from navigationmenu m, navigationmenuname n where m.pkey = n.navigationmenukey and m.menukey = {Parameters.MenuKey} and SectorKey = {Parameters.NavSectorKey} AND n.targetlanguage = '{Parameters.Language}' and m.accessprivileges like '%{Parameters.Privilege}%' order by itemorder |
Retrieves the menus for the navigation screen |
LocalUsers | select wu.pkey, wu.username, wu.firstname, wu.lastname, wu.emailaddress, wu.locked, rd.description as status from webportaluser wu, referencedata rd where wu.billinguserkey = {Parameters.BillingUserKey} and wu.privilege in('USER', 'LOCALADMIN') and wu.privilege = rd.code and rd.codetype = 'PRIVILEGE' AND wu.RecordStatus = 0 order by wu.username |
Provides a list of local users for Billing User Admin |
Privileges | select code, description from referencedata where codetype = 'PRIVILEGE' and data1 >= {Parameters.Level} order by sortorder |
YesNo | select code, description from referencedata where codetype = 'YESNO' order by sortorder |
PaymentTypes | select code, description from referencedata where codetype = 'PAYMENTTYPE' order by sortorder |
PaymentMethod | SELECT *, YEAR(StartDate) AS YYStartDate, REPLACE(STR(MONTH(StartDate), 2, 0), ' ', '0') AS MMStartDate, YEAR(ExpiryDate) AS YYExpiryDate, REPLACE(STR(MONTH(ExpiryDate), 2, 0), ' ', '0') AS MMExpiryDate FROM PaymentMethod WHERE WebPortalUserKey = {Parameters.UserKey} |
Gets the PaymentMethod record for a billing user. |
DefaultMenu | select packagename, eventname, targetframe, parameters from navigationmenu where menukey = {Parameters.MenuKey} and defaultitem = 1 |
Gender | select code, description from referencedata where codetype = 'GENDER' order by sortorder |