That said, it's pretty impressive to see someone strike out on all three aspects of the cold call. Shawn Miller experienced this first hand when he got a call from I---, an account executive at PCMall. With I---'s broken English, it took Shawn a little while to figure out why he was being called in the first place. I--- wanted Shawn to setup an account with PCMall to purchase hardware and software.
After fifteen minutes of politely trying to explain that he wasn't the Decision Maker and that now was a very bad time to call, Shawn had no choice but to had to hang up on I---. Several minutes later, the following email popped-up in Shawn's inbox:
From: I--- K------- To: Shawn Miller Subject: PCMall Hi, gays, I just called you several minutes ago and I understand you are pretty busy and do not have time for a cold calls, especially,, being working with my horonable competitor. Any way I prefer to send U my contact info, in order to ask U to include PCMall to your quoting opportunity. I would like to demonstrate my professional approach and unbeatable pricing model I--- K------- Account Executive Phone: 800-555-6255 ext ----
Needless to say, this "professional approach" did not win Shawn over.