"Proof that there's a poet living deep within each of us...even developers," Ed writes.
"I'm not all that sure that this kind of performance analysis could apply to a database," writes Paolo.
Jared wrote, "Spotted on a public announcement board at Temple University, I believe it's announcing a new version of BIOS."
"Good news! Windows 8.1 still has support for diskettes. Bad news - I only have a DVD drive on my computer," writes Sam.
"Wow! -9 quintillion messages? Must be one of those local black hole/Interstellar time dilation effects again," writes Mike S.
"After restarting, VLC asked if I would like to send error report to developers," Arttu T. wrote, "I chose yes and, while there were problems, I'm glad to see that it was appreciated."
"On the bright side - at least the blank is guaranteed to work," writes Dana L.
"I had left Sky Harbor Airport in Phoenix before I cold see this resolved, but I sure hope that the camera (or scanner) was installed correctly ," James B. wrote.