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So, the professors phone was included within the IP range of the uni? I mean, I guess it was using wifi, but he could have just used 3G or something.
Why did he pick 5 minutes? In case some new restaurants have been build, staffed, and opened within the last hour?
I'll yust leave this here: http://stackoverflow.com/a/1732454/857760
That guy is the kind of person who should never be allowed near a computer. Smart enough to code something simple, but not smart enough to check if it's a good way or if it has any unintended consequences...
They developed an Android application and he's talking about "years after his graduation"? Not bad for an OS which exists less than 5 years.
Provided this story is true, the university should his ass under the bus. It's solely his fault, after all.
So, a single IP accessing a server every 5 minutes is a "distributed" DoS?
I'd go so far as to say they should accidentally his whole ass under the bus, but that is just my opinion.
IMO the bigger WTF is this line:
Proxies, learn to use them.
[quote]IMO the bigger WTF is this line:
if($value == 1||2||3||4||5||6||7||8||9||10||11||12||13||14||15||16||17||18||19||20||21||22||23||24||25||26||27||28||29||30)[/quote]
So true. It could be abbreviated to:
if (True) {
if I understand the php boolean evaluation model correctly (and operator precedence).[/quote]
No, it evaluates to
if ($value == (true || true || true || true || ...)) {
which is to say
if ($value == true) {
It's a common problem when pulling data - I knew of one system where the data was published every minute as stated in the documentation - most consumers of the data 'got' it, but one muppet system polled 200 times a second, caused a lot of problems.
So Brian is put in a group of students who leave their entire assignment in the hands of one guy? WTF were the rest of them doing for the three weeks That poor Guy was writing code for them? Yay teamwork!?
Brian might not have been That Guy. But he was That Guy.
Capthca: refoveo, refoveo, re-fo-ve-oooooo!
I took that to mean it did a full scrape of dozens or hundreds of pages every five minutes, with little if any pause between each page. You don't use cron to tell your web spider to the next page. Sure, you could have it do one page and save state, but That Guy isn't going to know how to do that.
Also, he was "debugging" it "last night". Which means it probably ran a full scrape every time he ran it to change a debugging printf. All the while, the cron job was probably still running.
Not, it evaluates to
(($value == true) || (6)).
|| has a higher priority than "==", like in most languages.
Here's a group photo of Brian, That Guy, and another student from the group.
I thought thedailywtf didn't post student code.
I was worried it was about myself, since I used to scrape a drive component distributor's webpage for their catalog. The class project was done barely on time and the design it produced was bad since we had bugs :/. Oh, it was a group project with everyone participating, BTW.
I never got anyone blacklisted, though, not even temporarily. And hey, it mostly worked - the input was fed to a discrete optimizer that would "spit out" a gearbox design using real, stocked components. You could optimize for various things, including price, component stock level, performance metrics, etc. While it was done for a mechanical design class, I later reworked it to make it more theoretically sound for an optimization class. It was a nifty project, even if the implementation was initially a big kludge.
A company I once worked with got themselves barred from BabelFish for similar reasons. The VP of development and one of the senior developers had decided to use it to translate all the documentation into French (for a demo to a Canadian company).
The first I (the technical writer) heard of this was when they came to me to ask for advice on how to translate the bits they hadn't managed to get done. I think they got about halfway through the second sentence of the request before they realised that maybe they would have been better off building a nuclear bunker.
Nice piece of bad (student) code, several plot holes... pretty low standard for TDWTF, but I'll not be surprised to see it as the latest blockbuster in Hollywood. I'm convinced they will find the best way to include action scenes with explosions and someone like Jason Statham. Even if it has no sense, of course. And don't forget to make people type frantically on the keyboard!
Captcha: odio. That means hate in Spanish -- Yep, I hate when standards fall that low.
Unless it involves a wooden table of course.
Really, for a student making mistakes. University is where you learn after all, and making mistakes is one of the better ways to learn.
Also I'm surprised that polling every 5 mins did it - I was expecting it to poll in continuously!
Still a rather complicated way to express:
I had a group that had That Girl, who thought I was That Guy. Sadly, she was better at whining and politics (but I repeat myself), and so I turned into That Guy in the view of those that mattered.
Because That Guy was an absolute idiot, who even dared to use regexes to parse HTML. How hard can it be to reach this conclusion?
I'm not really sure I'd want That Guy or Brian for that matter in any of my groups.
TRWTF is TheDailyWTF's captcha dictionary. How long is it? 50 words?
My OS installation is no more than 3 months old and the browser already had auto-complete for my last captcha.
Current captcha: secundum... not just the second time I see this one posted, I'm afraid.
Right or wrong, this is simply how restaurants have always been chosen in large universities.
If there isn't already one person or subgroup of people who wanted to do the entire project, I tend to become That Guy, simply because taking on the entire task singlehandedly almost always seems less difficult and tedious than the interpersonal strain of dividing responsibility and collaborating and combining work and etc. etc.
The exception of course being if the project is very modular and significant parts of it can be cleaved off and worked on independently of the rest.
Yay aspergers!
Now I'm having flashbacks to my major groupwork assignment.
Design time.. right. well here are the main components. These are the operations they will need to perform, here are the interfaces you'll need to implement so it hangs together. Shout if you have any problems.
Out of a group of 12, 2 people (including myself) actually implemented the interface. 9 people managed to broadly get the functionality right but with the wrong method names etc. The last person proclaimed he had his stuff all working and handed it over. It didn't compile 'oh, you wanted me to compile it too?'
A quick glance over it revealed he hadn't implemented the functionality either. He was also shocked to discover that in the days of the week, the word 'day' is not considered a separate word (his code would be for example fri_day).
Marked out as a bit special, he was taken off coding and sent to produce a manual. A manual which upon inspection sported a great many screenshots taken with his charming lurid green/pink desktop theme. Binned.
TRWTF? all of them graduated.
We had to block some IPs at work recently for basically this reason. Due to the shooting and the lack of supply of bullets, a couple people created crawlers to check our site for supply.
A normal group assignment tale... at WTFU and every other University on Earth, I suppose.
This guy is proof of Kurt von Hammerstein's laws:
Madre de Dios...
Actually, on reflection, even that doesn't really matter. What's important is when they first appeared in the scraped website. I'll concede, however, that eViLegion's un-fixed version was funnier. (Sorry)
a. I call BS on the whole story. Burning down the chemistry lab twice? Come on. Physics experiment dropped on dean's foot? This isn't animal house, even though the writer seems to thing plagiarizing it works.
b. Summertime blues. You folks aren't even trying anymore.
c. I agree with yesterday's comment. THIS SITE HAS BECOME THE REAL W.T.F.
I'll just myself under the doggammed buss and say TRWTF is PHPs stupid keywords (or built in functions, or conventions, or community humor, or whatever it is). needle, haystack, explode, mysql_actually_real_escape_string_this_time_I_promise_works_v2.
Though anyone who knows how to "Use The Google" can read it, why should you have to. And I still find it bizarre that any language author would actually write functions to support escaping strings and concatenating them with SQL, rather than just saying "doing this is stupid, use parametrized queries."
Don't be silly, it's going to take at least an hour for the reviews to get published.
That's not aspergic dude; that's normal. Who wants to work with a useless group of tards? (social workers, I suppose)
It always seemed to me to be particularly cruel when universities make you work with someone totally substandard. Why do they insist on making a technical task harder by adding the requirement that you have to explain it to fools, or worse correct the fools mistakes, before actually solving the problem.
Well, I'll give you that one, sunshine.
But its not like professors have ever actually had to do anything in the real world either, so its a bit bloody presumptuous of them!
Obviously, TRWTF is trusting "That Guy" enough that you don't even start working on the assignment yourself until the night before it's due.