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This is genius! No more need for my laptop in the restroom!
We all know that any sort of SQL coding will be crap anyway...so nice place for the server.
If it is just a server who cares where it goes? Servers are typically accessed by clients that are somewhere else.. no?
I once saw a server installed in a tiny room which also housed the building's central heating boiler and hot water cylinder. Needless to say it was damn hot in there most of the time.. Dry though!
I wonder where this was? Typically cold air doesn't come in from outside...
I like when people comment on here "big deal, what's wrong with that?" Seriously... I hope you're kidding. If not you should stay away from computers. far away...
"it was the men's room in a construction site trailer"
I'm sitting here right now watching the snow outside...
To the PM it may have been a good idea, I mean how else was he supposed to loook at porn and get off without anyone else seeing?
BWHAHA, thats kinda what my school did, they put a big black router box in the mens bathroom, 4 months later water damage is a bitch
What part of "men's room in a construction site trailer" implies "secure" to you?
They needed extra mice!!
Got nothin'
Yeah, but on the bright side it makes flushing the cache very easy.
Well it was to be 'well ventilated'
captcha: genius yeap
I'm not an expert but I DO know that having physical access to a server makes hacking, or installing rootkits etc, MUCH easier (than attempting to break in from a "remote" location). Hence the need for the server to be in a secure location for the few who just don't understand the WTF in this situation !
btw, I enjoy reading this site once a week..I understand enough of the posts to get lots of laughs
The real WTF is that they are out of toilet paper.
No. There's some. However, it's conveniently located by the base of the toilet. That's the real WTF.
Oops. Didn't see the spare roll on the floor. How delightful.
If this story is true then be sure to wash your hands after either relving yourself or droping a table.
I can see it now, the network admin walking into the trailer shouting "Ok guys, who forgot to '/flushdns' after they 'ipconfiged'?!"
I also like the sink not more than a foot away from the little server platform there. A little water splashes in just the wrong way, and there goes your keyboard at the very least, if not more :P
You have to have a key to even get in the trailer, and the Const super is the only one with a key.
ugh, a keyboard and monitor and mouse in the toilet!!
i guess you could "terminal client" into it, that'd be secure!
When I did tech support (SAN hardware/environment) a couple of years back, I had a customer who seriously had their server & backup hardware in the men's room. The best part was that the tech was a woman!
Not only is it on the floor, but it's touching the potty. Blech.
Keyboards are pretty much sealed. But you're right about splashing a little bit of water. What would happen to that UPS if water trickled down into the capacitors or into the plugs?
Right - as soon as someone has done the initial setup. Someone like Don Q. Don Q cares.
Why do I have to click 4 times just to see the comment with articles? Man, I understand trying to increase pageviews for advertising purposes, but that's plain ridiculous. Why not just show one word at a time with "Next Word >>" at the bottom? It'd be quicker.
The contractor must have figured: "hmm... Secure. There's that bathroom that needs a key--that's secure. Ooh, hey, and there's a FAN in there--that must be what he means by ventilated."
What gets me is the three-inch hole for the network cable. Did that get punched out by his fist or something?
Well-ventilated: Check. There's a hole in the floor, right? Secure: Check. Would-be trespassers are kept at a distance by a cloud of toxic odeours.
Next time I expect Don Q will add to his instructions. Something like "non-corrosive environment" perhaps. And a supply of spare cables for when the mice eat through the first set. Perhaps also something about not using the server as a makeshift saw horse...
Captcha: whiskey. I'll have some as soon as I'm done installing the new server. Or perhaps the other way around. Either way is good.
I think you're all missing the point here. You're all complaining about how the server is in the potty, and how it's unclean, and how any one can come in and do anything, and how there are mice.
Gentlemen (and Lady), the specification was that the place is secure. We are all aware that the toilet is a man's Throne, and thus the bathroom is the Throneroom. Where, then, may I ask, would be more secure than the Throneroom?
Ah .. so that's why the server's so full of s#!t !!!!
That may even top that photo I saw some time ago about an apartment having a toilet in the kitchen.
At least the server is in a "raised floor" ... still I'd wonder the effect of some water hitting the UPS...
When I saw the title of this WTF, I got all excited because I thought someone was being literary and came up with a take-off on the title of a Hemingway short story called "A Clean, Well-Lighted Place", and I got all excited...
Then I did a forehead-slap.
CAPTCHA: perfection (apparently is hard to achieve, esp. in this case)
At least they bought a Dell...
That's not a roll of toilet paper on the floor. That's construction material for the winter home for the mice that come up through the floor.
What's wrong with this location? I can't think of a more appropriate one; Windows has always been a piece of shit.
I hope they at least wired it to email someone when the toilet paper needs to be replaced...
Is that phone equipment mounted on the wall above the server?
Looks like they can't make up their mind: server/telco room or crapper.
Captcha: craptastic
Not on a Windows box! You would hit Ctl + Alt + Delete and the toilet would flush.
(for the record, I'm not a Microsoft hater, I just have a sense of humor)
Where I used to work, they had field auditors who had to take their laptops to do audits of payday loan companies. The company had to supply them a secure, private place to work, which of course meant...the bathroom. At least the ones they were in didn't have a hole in the floor.
This is awesome!
But really though, who cares? It's in a trailer, how secure could it ever possibly be?
I side with the PM on this one.
It's a Dell, so it can serve double-duty as a hot-air hand dryer...
At least I'd be more likely to patch my server once in a while.
Where in this post did it say anything about running Windows?
Check out the picture in the article.
Captcha = shizzle... like what you do in the server room apparently.
The pictures.
How appropriate that I'm reading this while on the toilet.
If the server crashes, does it -- wait for it! -- take a core dump?
Or maybe... they were planning on extension 999 - Men's Room
Hm... now that I think of it ... this gives "when the shit hits the fan" a whole new meaning ...
or should I say ... "when the shit hits the server's fan" ??
Judging by the high quality and bottom-less budget looks of the inside of the trailer my guess is, this guys manager told him to go "install" a server at this construction site. Im sure the admin asked "where exactly?" His managers reply was "it doesnt matter just get it up and running." Typically, installs like this are a result of several things and or a combination of: 1. Two bit, uneducated, hill jacks that know nothing about running a efficient IT system are attempting to do just that. 2. Small time low budget firms are giving the IT department little to work with and dont understand the requirements to provide the IT staff with approriate materials or an appropriate IT staff period. Hence result number one. 3. Being the construction site that it is, The crapper is probably the only structure with a lock. Anyways, just a guess, I've seen worse setups.
I guess it's easier for the mice to get a little square so they can wipe afterward.