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That's one for the fridge door.
Close, but breaks for even numbers from 10-18, calling them odd.
Close, but breaks for even numbers from 10-18, calling them odd.
Guess I meant to hit "quote". WTF can't comment right.
I'd say #1 and #3 should be kicked for giving an incorrect solution to a trivial problem (both fail for x < 0, the second fails for x >= 10).
I'd say the previous commenter should be kicked for failing to read the original requirement, which placed a strict limit on the input values.
I'm not sure if TRWTF is the number of people who don't see that Steve the Cynic is passing in an unsigned int, or if it's how many more comments we get without Discourse.
None of the functions checks the parameter for range. In the first two, the function will still work. In the version by the "most experienced" programmer, if a bad parameter is passed, there will be a subscript out of range error and garbage will be returned.
Gene Wirchenko
We have an Oracle table with two columns, col1_number_id and col2_odd_even with a row for each integer between 0 and 4294967296. Then I just run a simple select SQL to determine if a number is odd or even. Couldn't be simpler. Loading the table took a while since I had to enter each row by hand.
Some people fail at math.
I had a statistics professor in college.
He drew a picture on the board of a set of circles, arranged in a two by three grid.
He asked a student to count the circles.
The student starting counting. 1, 2, 3...
The professor told him he failed at counting, then announced the answer was 2x3 = 6.
Then he said, now I'm going to teach you how to count probability.
There was no requirement to check for range. It was specifically stated that the input was limited to 0>n>10 (or >= if you assume 'inclusive'. That means that the function is relieved of the requirement to consider values of n outside of this limit. ... Defensive programming would suggest a limits check anyway, but the stated requirements do not. ... I hope Gene Wirchenko doesn't translate requirements into code for a living.
Captcha: gravis -> It is a gravis error to confuse your understanding of requirements, with what they actually say.
Addendum (2014-07-22 15:36): s/exercist/exercise/
Haven't used C in some years so please ignore any syntax errors.
[i]Addendum (2014-07-22 15:37): i = strlen(foo)-1;
and first "foo" comparison should be "foo[i]". Sheesh.
That's weird, Visual Basic's Str() always uses '.' as decimal separator. Perhaps he used CStr() which is indeed culture specific?
Source: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/4y6a1sx7(v=vs.90).aspx
Yes it does -- we used to use YR2 = MOD(YR, 100) all the time to get a 2-digit year from a 4-digit year.
And while VB is available only on two's complement binary machines, C89 does not insist on two's complement, or even binary. BZZZT on all the bit twiddlers,
is the only reasonable maximally conformant solution suggested yet.Admin
No, inquiring minds DON'T want to know.
And WTF is getting political? Captcha: abbas
You too, with n being int instead of unsigned int, should check what you return for isOdd(-3). For most versions of C the answer depended on the machine. For most machines and I think now for all machines you'd be guaranteed to return the wrong answer.
Not sure if serious. No need for any calculations based on iBoucle.
isOdd = 1; for (iBoucle = 0; iBoucle < Whatever ; iBoucle++) { isOdd = ! isOdd; if (isOdd) { .... } }
Ok, I see some people don't grasp that modulo maths ISN'T sign dependent. Hence it would be best to express what you want as % 2 which is always right regardless of sign or anything else because of what modulo arithmetic is. If the compiler realises that it can optimise this to & 1 then all the better.
Go try determining the truth value of -1 % 2 != 1 % 2 in your favourite language otherwise if you disagree. I'll wait.
Unfortunately, % is not a modulus operator, it is a remainder after division operator.
Compilers are perfectly at liberty, to say that (-1 % 2) = -1 or (-1 % 2) = +1, as long as they specify which, and are consistent. So (x % n) is only guaranteed to be in [0,1...n-1] if x is positive.
So, for a compiler that chooses that says (-7 % 2) = -1 then they're really not the same, unless you convert explicitly convert them to bool.
C99 removes the ambiguity, and says x % n must have the same sign as n.
Not necesarily. Who knows what will happen if a bad parameter is passed. Address exception and process crash are just as likely. Which is fine, because the behaviour is undefined.
Your education is appreciated sir - I was not aware of the previous state of affairs with regards to the treatment of that operator. Still for the odd/even thing 2 % 2 == -2 % 2 which is zero so anything !(x % 2) is going to be safe here.
Why is no_laughing_matter still alive?
So you can have -1 % 2 = -1 iff -1 / 2 == 0, or you can have -1 % 2 = 1 iff -1 / 2 = -1. Either way is consistent with C89 and C++98/03.
Provided that you compare against zero and not one, as some people have in this thread. if (x % 2 == 0) { /* even */ } is OK; if (x % 2 == 1) { /* odd */ } is not.(And of course omitting the explicit comparison from the conditional is fine, because that's comparing against zero.
There was no requirement to quit thinking either.
Exactly. Why the limits anyway?
It is part of my living. I would flag such a requirement and go for a function that has no limits, unless those limits are important, in which case, we are back to it being a good idea to limit check.
Gene Wirchenko
Sure, infinite recusion is fun :)
Why is Str not determistic? Who wants a localized decimal point, should use an appropriate function, not Str
Using nth-child is far less performant than adding a class, especially if it is the right most selector.
Here's a slightly more subtle (broken) Java odd/even example (from real code):
Hint: it's isOdd() that is broken. :-)
Oh, as already noted by others above. ;-)