• ArmyNavy (unregistered) in reply to katastrofa

    The sad thing is that I suspect that the Specialist (Third Class) Artillery guy in question was posted to the Gulf just before that Iranian civilian airliner was shot down.

    This was the ship's captain's decision.

    And it was a SAM, not artillery.

    More important: it was the Navy, not the Army. Never the twain shall meet.

  • Ahnfelt (unregistered) in reply to Ken B
    Ken B:
    It's java - not like it's going to work (well) anyways. Real programmers write websites in C (no, I didn't mean C#). And they write the code from their blackberries.
    I remember a "real programmers DSW" some time ago. It started with the usual "real programmers use EDLIN" and "real programmers use 'cat >filename'", and so on. But, it continued until it got to "real programmers use a magnetized needle to encode the data directly onto the HD platter", and finished with "real programmers expose the platter to cosmic rays to encode the data".
    Nonsense! Real programmers use true quantum randomness to generate code, simultaneously deploying it to all clients through quantum entanglement.

    Then they destroy all the universes where it didn't pass unit tests.

  • Steve (unregistered)

    Always mount a scratch monkey.

  • Natashja Singleton (unregistered) in reply to Grovesy

    Rather not ;)

  • Ivan B (unregistered) in reply to Grovesy

    We don't have time to test! Just get it working! Deploy! DEPLOY!!!

  • dc (unregistered) in reply to Grovesy

    That's the only way it can be done when the server is on my laptop.

  • Luke (unregistered) in reply to Grovesy

    Thats the usual way. Deploy it first on the production. If all went fine, deploy on the test server :-)

  • Magnus Persson (unregistered) in reply to POS TRAINING
    strawberries are better

    You obviously really mean apples, using the smultron editor, I presume...

  • Ben (unregistered) in reply to Grovesy

    It's scary to think the number of times I've done precisely that...

  • JBB (unregistered)

    obviously the problem is on the guy who wrote the "guide"... a case without "break;"?


  • fherking (unregistered) in reply to Grovesy

    thats what i do, and it works!!! (get a solid snapshot before)

  • fherking (unregistered) in reply to fherking
    thats what i do, and it works!!! (get a solid snapshot before)

    sorry i was quoting: code directly in production... , and i missed the button.

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