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Requires harvesting?!? The other two, I can at least imagine the thought process... "maybe the auto-configure doesn't completely trust its results". "there's a corrupted file in the video configuration". But..."this person record requires harvesting"....what does that even MEAN?!?
Perhaps analogous to "reaping" i.e. garbage collection? Wierd that something like that needs doing to a database record though. Perhaps as in "address harvesting", i.e. spamming - this record needs to be added to Apples junk mailing list?
Hmm my Captcha is wrong...
I got quake and wanted to talk about harvesting little Sisters in Bioshock... and i got QUAKE.. the real WTF is this forum!
apple must of started a food venture.
By "harvesting", then mean you're "ripe", which translates roughly to "bath more, geek".
The real WTF is writing "of" instead of "have".
"harvesting?" grim reaper, come collect this iPod battery.
printer... there should also be a "read it then shred it so users don't have to" radio button for manuals that are printed.
Apparently they do think different over at Apple headquarters, and not just about plastic overpriced technology!
The first one does not seem like a WTF to me. People tend to remember something a lot better if they actually have to click on something instead of just clicking "Next" to get through defaults. Whoever made that screen probably did it after they got so many support calls about "Why is my printer not using the large capacity tray? That's the only reason we bought it!"
Isn't harvesting people something the grim reaper does, hence why he carries the scythe.
Soylent Green is People!!!1!
(11 posts and nobody's gone for the most obvious meme?)
Edit -- Never mind. TRWTF is me, for searching on "soylent green" and missing "isoylentgreen" in post #4.
Don't fight your Apple overlords. All I-Pod owners are to be harvested.
The Cult of Jobs will soon unleash their music laden fury upon the rest of the unbelievers.
So sayeth the shepherd, so sayeth the flock!
Wow, I don't normally post these but: Captcha: darwin If you are truly being harvested soon, this seems very fitting.
I think it's his wallet they want to harvest: "Hey, this guy bought an iPod and he has money left--quick, sell him an iPhone or an iToaster or an iTreadmill or iSomething..."
Pray to the iGod that you won't be harvested first.
I am sad there is no device called "Diot".
captcha==doom (say no more)
It means that Apple has discovered iEngrish.
The real WTF(tm) is the screen cap from the printer config has junk around it.
Use ALT+PrintScreen next time Skippy.
Harvest person records? I didn't know you could do that!
Man, and around here people throw a fit over "tombstoning" a record in the database.
"Quit wiggling in your cubicle, this will only hurt for a few seconds."
Wow, first WTF I've actually seen personally and not 10 min ago when I was setting up someone to print to one of those copiers. I always thought WTF in my head but never thought to submit it.
All that window does is determine what the image looks like in the preferences. ALL functionality will work regardless of what you set there, you could check everything wrong and it would still work just fine. It is exactly as dumb as described.
the apple one would have been funnier if it covered up the name, but showed the password in plain text.
No, they just typed a "p" in Wingdings...
My bad.. it's "F". Either way, I doubt they did any calculations for pixel placement. They likely just had a text label there with " " in it and set its value to "F".
I know, this is one of my personal peeves. People are writing more and more how they speak, and they don't speak properly.
But then again this is informal communication so I can bite my tongue and ignore it here. Let me see it in formal writing and I will toss it back in your face.
Yeah, everyone knows you're sposta use "have" in that situation. You hafta remember this kind of stuff if you ever want to get a head in business.
That is, unless the auto-configure script just uses the same defaults over again, but that seems silly.
Get a head in business? You need your foot in the door first. ;)
[quote user="Anonymous] My bad.. it's "F". Either way, I doubt they did any calculations for pixel placement. They likely just had a text label there with " " in it and set its value to "F".[/quote]
If it was in .NET they could have used the ErrorProvider component to point out the 'auto detected' option boxes with very little code. But, this wouldn't be a proper use for this component since there apparently wasn't a validation error.
Regardless of the fact of it's grammatical error, I do believe that "irregardless" will evolve into acceptable English. It just sounds more like the negative you are trying to portray. The problem is that it now became a double negative.
Supposively; never heard that one, thankfully.
It's supposably Everone knows that...
Well - if I would have drawn such a nice finger-icon, I would try to use it over and over again. At least for some months - until I draw a real wtf-'finger' - but let's not talk about that.
captcha: brimborium
I want to cry now...
Some people have no irregard for proper English.
And I might add...
"Me fail English? That's unpossible!"
No, the real problem is that when spoken and read we think of words such as indescribable ("impossible to describe"), indisputable ("beyond dispute or doubt"), incontrovertible ("impossible to dispute; unquestionable"), or any of the other who-know-how-many words of the form "inx" that mean the opposite of "x".
It's a dumb word.
Anyway, in German the two words 'wirsch' and 'unwirsch' mean the same. Something like disquietingly, splenetic, stroppy. Languages are weird.
Have you ever used one of those words? I hardly doubt that I have. Ever. And I'm german.
But I'll try to use it from now on - it's such a great word ;-)
To me the Auto Configuration window makes perfect sense.
The driver detects all the features you have, presents a window with the possible features that you MIGHT have, and point what it detected. Now you can select what it detect or make any changes that you want.
What if someone install that driver, but some feature doesn't get detected, or you will add it later on and want to leave it set?
PS: They could just have a label besides it option all set to hidden, and then just set visible=true on what they detected, piece of cake.
The reason people race through setups is that they offer nothing useful that can't be found in the program. Plus giant unenforceable EULAs. If they do, it's bad design. The only time they should ever care is when installing a suite where they want to control the installed apps.
I think there's an Apple KB on this but I'm too lazy to look... it means something like "we added security questions since you were here last, and we need to notify you to come answer them!"
Not very clear.
Captcha: muhahaha - Indeed!
Who decides if it's the "Right Tray"? If the printer is spun 180 degrees on either of two of its major axii, the right tray would be on the left. If you select "No" for right tray, does that make it "Wrong"? Sometimes thinking too much like a computer makes me cross-eyed. Captcha: ewww (How appropriate!)