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You lose brownie points... I'll sell you some "One Brownie Point Gained" Offsets though to make up for it.
Can I safely assume that Microsoft purchased all of its bad code offsets anonymously?
Actually odio means "I hate" also in Italian. "Oh God!" it's spelled oddio (pronounced stressing the i, while in odio you stress the first o)
I shall throw exceptions instead of using if-else-otherwise structures.
While I think Alex and whoever else is behind Bad Code Offsets hearts are in the right place, I am reminded of a lesson learned by Jeff Atwood. Which is somewhat ironic because Jeff's latest post promotes the BCO project.
The real WTF is their wasting our time proselytizing.
Thinking that Bim Job had any credibility to lose is TRWTF here...
Also an example of "wontfix" bad code. Very meaningful.
If I had a wish it would be for dpkg.exe
Followed a while later by apt-get.exe
and synaptic.exe
Then I could use it stop keeping a whole lot of stuff up to date.
not really - people are still going to die, eating healthier just adjusts the corpse delivery schedule slightly...
i guess openbsd/openssh is a good candidate to be supported. they write good code.. and everyone use openssh..
Aww... won't you look at that; cheques. I remember using them in the eighties - before we the whole new idea for payment handling, "direct deposit", caught wind.
Ok... now I need to get the bad fumes out of my system. Honestly - why do people in some parts of the world still use some sort of hardcopy document to transfer funds around? In the last ten years I've seen cheques twice. First one was from kagi when I closed my account there. The second one was from google, because I hadn't told them to hold my "earnings" (in fact, attempting to cash in the cheque would've cost me almost as much as it was worth ... so I decided not to do that).
I mean... hello... it's outdated and stupid technology you keep on using (hmm - was this supposed the real WTF?)
Apache is synonymous with XML and LAMP, the two horns of Satan. jQuery has enabled more crap sites than I can imagine. FreeBSD has contributed to the longevity of the cruel joke that is Unix. PostgreSQL is a painful mockery of the relational model. Drupal makes MS Frontpage look good in comparison.
These guys should be paying me money. My code is just bad, their code is absolutely horrific.
I should clarify that the Apache Foundation, the jQuery and FreeBSD and PostgreSQL guys all do great work; I just hate the technology. For every x in SQL, HTML, XML, Javascript and Unix, you can write less awful code with X, but X is shit and anything you write in it is still awful.
(And, I'm just baffled as to why Drupal made the list. Like the web needed thousands of web pages with billions of widgets.)
Hi Alex, I admire what you are doing, sincerely, but I wonder why you started a new adventure on your own instead of joining, for example, the GNU project, which exists since already quite a long time.
Thanks for your effort anyway. Federico
highphilosopher: Would you like to fix my one line perl web server?
"The folks like John Resig who dedicate their nights and weekends to creating projects like jQuery have it hard enough developing their project code."
"John Resig is a JavaScript Tool Developer for the Mozilla Corporation" http://ejohn.org/about/
Of course I dunno exactly how he spends his time but writing jQuery would seem to be a perfectly acceptable use of his time during the paid day job...
Seriously Blue Collar STFU and get a clue before you even think of spouting worthless drivel.
Great work TDWTF!
ooooops meant to direct that at Bim Job:
Actually, sir, you are in error concerning the carbon offsets. The revenue from those go directly to me, and my fund to produce more documentaries to scare more suckers, err I mean illuminate more Americans. I promise I am not using that revenue to build my own private island, and I definitely promise I'm not inviting Monica Lewinski, Bill called dibs.
All the posters pointing out that jQuery has nothing to do with Java completely missed the point that it has nothing to do with good ECMAScript programming, either. A little familiarity with the ECMAScript standard and the jQuery source will show you that; if that's too much to ask, a search for "jQuery" in comp.lang.javascript should provide plenty of evidence.
So as choices go, not good, either.
In any case, what does jQuery give anyone other than bloated and almost always unnecessary scripts? If you don't understand ECMAScript well enough to write your scripts from scratch, perhaps you shouldn't be adding scripting to your site. (There's a good reason why the c.l.j regulars refuse to endorse any ECMAScript libraries. Two good reasons, in fact: those libraries are pretty much all crap, and using them is a great way to avoid learning how to do things properly.)
If I'm going to donate resources to open-source projects, I'd like them to go to projects that might actually improve the state of the industry, or provide someone with something useful or interesting.
Well... I didn't install apt-get, but...
And to prove it works...
Has Microsoft worked out the logistics of their ten trillion dollar check to you yet?
That's just a regular set of the empty set.
It's a set of an empty set.
Fuck jQuery, and its blatant encouragement of non-logical, amateur "web developer" hack-fucks. Fuck the spaghetti code they make, the scope issues they cause, the memory they hemorrhage, the patterns they encourage.
It's still possible to write clean, encapsulated code in jQuery, but only just. And you have to really, really want to do it, in which case you probably already were, and don't need the fucking bloatfest that is jQuery.
Error: 'jQuery' is undefined.
Just assuming we take this offset rubbish seriously -- which I don't. Just assuming that the original list of five is not fixed for the next increment of whiny programmers who contribute to the current $3000+ pool because it makes them feel good.
Why not donate individually "to projects that might actually improve the state of the industry, or provide someone with something useful or interesting?"
This whole diseased concept is (to quote Florence King) "a Friday night turd at a Saturday market."
It's god-damn Socialist to tax productive members of society and then give the money to people who've been slapped round the face by the Invisible Hand.
First time, Alex: Good joke.
Second time around: Say goodbye, Gracie.
i find the biggest benefit of using something like jquery is that it becomes crossbrowser compatiable without having to do all sorts of BS :)
No, wait-
captcha: eros - naturally
Yup, they're similar, but they're distinctly different.
And the powerset of the empty set, by definition, is the set of all subsets of the empty set. The only subset of the empty set is the empty set itself. So the powerset of the empty set is the set containing only the empty set.
So yes, it is the powerset of the empty set.
i see why its called the dailywtf LOL WTF?
EcmaScript is 100% cross-browser compatible. PERIOD.
The "problems" people like you (unless obvious troll is obvious, hrmmm?) whine about stem from DOM implementations, and there are (effectively) only two of those covering some dozen "modern" browsers, providing an easy mechanism to abstract the concepts into an API.
But of course, you're already doing that so you can unit test your BUSINESS LOGIC, right? Dependency injection, abstraction, encapsulation, that kind of thing? Because you're aware that logic in script isn't always running in a fucking browser, right? That using script doesn't magically require swoopy image fades and star wipes!??
The two other major areas that need abstraction are Event Handling (effectively only two implementations in modern browsers, see API comment, apply abstraction and STFU) and, IF you use them, Vector Graphics (effectively only two implemen... jeezus, do we get the point yet?).
Every other 'cross-browser incompatibility' idiots whine at me about are purely CSS implementations. jQuery doesn't help with those either, FFS, unless you count the myriad bloated controls with highly specialized one-offs and browser-specific "compatibility" fixes written by kool-aid soaked hack-tards.
The correct way to fix CSS compatibility issues is to write meaningful, semantic markup, make your master page/master template/generation script/output processor/whatever supply a root className on the html(xhtml incompatible, but works better for some cases) or body tag indicating the host environment, and possibly page name (for your inevitable one-offs), write your core CSS as compliant and BACK PATCH BROWSER QUIRKS IN A DEFINED, CONTROLLED, CASCADING MANNER INSTEAD OF COUNTING ON HACKS THAT CHANGE FROM IMPLEMENTATION TO IMPLEMENTATION. You'll find that the bulk of your back-patches are exclusive to IE6 and IE7. May you be blessed not to support them; if, as mine, your curse includes pixel precision in those abominations, my suggestion will add years to your life in frustration and stress removed.
That is all for now, except the tl;dr:
Stop badmouthing the language because you're too lazy to learn it.
Stop blaming short-comings of display implementations on the logic language of the browsers.
Start blaming short-sighted "developers" who include that buggy bloatware for one ill-conceived "flashy" feature, when it would've taken less than 20 (regular, not php) lines to write from scratch.
Hey, ingenium - you're wrapped a bit too tight, maybe... Take a few deep breaths...and relax
Very nice presentation. Excellent new features.