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Oh well, let's just ignore the performance issues and throw up modal dialogs with progress bars that don't actually reflect the amount of work complete. Initially the users won't complain because the amount of data would be minimal, but in a couple of years when the database grows, they would have to engage our consulting services for $2600 a day to "fix" their crippled application. Then, after three months of surfing porn on the clients dime, we would dutifully present them with a solution that involves upgrading them to the newest version of the software... But don't worry, we'd give them a good deal because it's still in beta release...
Now how's THAT for enterprisey?
Boy: Do not try to execute the GC. That would be impossible. Instead, try to realize the truth.
Neo: ...and what is the truth?
Boy: There is no GC. Then you realize that it not the GC that executes, but only your code.
Woman: Oracle is ready for you.
While we seem to be on cultural icons:
"Oh no, Brer Fox! Don't throw me into that thar Garbage Collector over there!"
"Bwahahahaah! If that's where you don't want to be thrown, Brer Rabbit, that's where I'm gonna throw ya!"
"Are you familiar with automatic forms of memory management?" "..i.. ...If you are referring to... um... Garbage Collection... I am... fully functional... programmed in multiple algorithms."
Two WTFs here: a) Fictional conflicts between rabbits and foxes are considered "racist"; b) Disney is perceived as being the sole source of cultural education.
If we're going down the "racist" route, why does the villain in the Lion King have an English accent? Can we not introduce the death sentence for hypocrites?
"Invoke GarbageCollector."
"I'm afraid I can't do that, Dave."
Sorry, should be: "I'm sorry, Dave. I'm afraid I can't do that."
"Ever had your Garbage Collector invoked?" "My... Garbage Collector?" "Yeah. I'm gonna invoke it good." "But I release resources from there..."
That sounds quiet menstrual.
[quote name="Clone Collector"]The blood of one junior developer... at the 1st of every month.[/quote]
That sounds quiet menstrual.
With all the blathering about Star Wars and specifically about Chewbacca, here's one that's always bugged me: how did anyone ever come up with "Chewbacca" as a the English-language equivalent of his name, when he can't pronounce anything like those syllables?
I once had to do something similar in C++ on NetWare for certification. Part of their certification is to run tests to make sure if the code is denied memory allocation, that the code will not crash. It will deny memory to every single allocation request in the code at least once. It was a huge project ported from Windows, so my boss had me create an allocator that all calls for memory allocation would go through, and if memory allocation failed, then this allocator would loop back and try again (I think up to 5 times). The funny thing was that because I had this allocator, to their certification tests it looked like we only had one place in the code that allocated memory, so it would only deny once.
Ten clone bottles, standing on the wall. Ten clone bottles, standing on the wall. And if one clone bottle Should get accidentally garbage collected, There'd be nine clone bottles, standing on the wall. Nine clone bottles, standing on the wall. And if one clone bottle Should get accidentally garbage collected...
CAPTCHA: erat - electronic rodent.
I should add to this that the lead actor was supposedly unable to attend the premiere in Atlanta because not one of the hotels in the city was willing to book in a black man.
Marketing. "Death Star" sounds cool and dangerous. "Death Ship" sounds like it's haunted. "Death Spherical Metal Object" ... umm, no.
Why is Comet cleaning powder called "comet" when it does not orbit the sun or have a tail?
Why was the Chevy Nova called "nova" when it doesn't explode? Well, okay, maybe that's a bad example.
Woman: Microsoft SQL Server is ready for you.
+1 for use of "Chewbacca" and bikini wax in the same sentence.
He specifically referred to people "under 30". People under 30 don't read books.
This year my kids' school announced that they'll be issuing diplomas on Ipods for graduates who can't read. :-)
But he didn't....
For the record, I'm actually a she :)
But once Disney touches anything, it usually becomes the version people refer to. Could you image Disney retaining the real ending of The Little Mermaid, for example?
"You're all mine, now, Chewbacca. Don't worry, the pain is fade away but our love will be forever..."
Yeah, can you even imagine that? Tying Chewy down and ripping off strip after sticky strip of fur, revealing soft, smooth, supple, sexy, salacious, succulent skin underneath? I'd like to image he is also wearing a sleeping mask made of silk and felt with a lace border. That about wraps it up.
Anywho, I actually misread "Skoal". When I saw it, I internally pronounced it as "So-cal" because I'm a daging ryslexic.
best captcha caption i've ever read on here. heh.
although, i'm also easily amused.
CAPTCHA: odios - breakfast cereal made from fictional dogs.
Can't believe all this discussion about a subject that, properly considered, is perfectly sensible within the context of the story line.
Prior to that moment: Han had never before seen or heard of a ship the size of a small moon; a ship that dwarfed even the largest of the Empire's destroyers.
Neither had Obi Wan. Neither had Chewbacca. Neither had Luke. Neither had C-3PO. Leia had, but wasn't present. R2D2 had, but as a secret to be closely kept.
Given the context, and the lack of prior referents, it makes perfect sense that all of the speakers present would assume it was a space station.
Asked to defend their response later on, they all said, "Well, duhhhh! What idiot would have assumed it was a ship under those circumstances?"
Stop corupting my good name!
Captcha: Mara [jade?]
[quote user="Coyne"][quote user="Jay"][quote user="frits"][quote user="The Great Lobachevsky"][quote user="QJo"]While we seem to be on cultural icons:
"Oh no, Brer Fox! Don't throw me into that thar Garbage Collector over there!"
"Bwahahahaah! If that's where you don't want to be thrown, Brer Rabbit, that's where I'm gonna throw ya!"[/quote] Unfortunately Disney is too chicken $*** to release Song of the South on video because of the racial content. So that isn't going to be much of an icon for anyone under 30.[/quote] That's all right. Anyone under 30 is pretty much an alien life form as far as I'm concerned. Also, can you not find Uncle Remus books anymore?[/quote]
He specifically referred to people "under 30". People under 30 don't read books.
This year my kids' school announced that they'll be issuing diplomas on Ipods for graduates who can't read. :-)[/quote]
Can't believe all this discussion about a subject that, properly considered, is perfectly sensible within the context of the story line.
Prior to that moment: Han had never before seen or heard of a ship the size of a small moon; a ship that dwarfed even the largest of the Empire's destroyers.
Neither had Obi Wan. Neither had Chewbacca. Neither had Luke. Neither had C-3PO. Leia had, but wasn't present. R2D2 had, but as a secret to be closely kept.
Given the context, and the lack of prior referents, it makes perfect sense that all of the speakers present would assume it was a space station.
Asked to defend their response later on, they all said, "Well, duhhhh! What idiot would have assumed it was a ship under those circumstances?" [/quote]
[quote "The Credits"] The Death Star: an armored space station with the ability to destroy an entire planet. [/quote]
[quote "Gov. Tarkin"] Fear will keep the local systems in line: fear of this battle station. [/quote]
Just thought of a name for a song/story/book/movie/whathaveyou:
"Cum-sealed envelope"
Had to share.
Just thought how funny it would be if they gave Chewie a full all-over bodywax and found out that underneath it all she was a woman ...
Welcome back.
And they left hair in the hairpits and eyebrows too, ouch! Why didn't I wear the pants with the pleats?!
But I'm sure Han figured that out a loooooonnngg time ago.
OooooooooooHHH YyyyeeeaaaaaaaHHHHHH!!!!
Although I'm also not entirely pleased that almost everyone assumes the only other option is to be a woman.
All these Star Wars references, and no Attack of the Clones reference? For shame!
Or maybe I missed something.
And it doesn't really apply, as the method would produce at most 1 clone.
Well, yes, but Tarkin was an idiot; as subsequent events prove.
Point taken. I lose.
You are a strange, sad little man.
South California is the proposed break-away Republican state. I think they'll be more Skoal tobacco than bikini wax businesses.
Nor any machine that has more than one core. Even if the SO is linux, that has some kind of real time scalonator.